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于 2020-09-10 发布 文件大小:116KB
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  dmc2610运动控制卡编写IO输出,对想编写运动控制的人有非常大的帮组(the dmc2610 motion control card write IO output, very large help group for people who want to write the motion control)






0 个回复

  • ad7682
    4通道ad7682驱动程序 在msp430单片机上调试成功(4-channel ad7682 driver debugging success msp430 microcontroller)
    2020-12-03 14:39:24下载
  • 51-circuit-for-proteus
    郭天祥教学单片计配套电路图,可用proteus打开,比完成相应的实验(It is the circuit for the using of SCM of Guo Tianxiang training. )
    2012-09-25 19:05:53下载
  • ADAMS_Car
    通过isight-fd集成adams的动力学仿真能力,将模型中的某些属性作为优化变量,通过对adams仿真结果的分析,来对这些属性进行优化(By isight-fd dynamics simulation capabilities integrated adams will model some of the attributes as optimization variables by adams simulation analysis to optimize these attributes)
    2021-02-15 12:49:48下载
  • c
    说明:  单片机软件仿真开发的硬件级联方式,可用于简单仿真及硬件实现(SCM software simulation developed hardware cascade can be used for simple simulation and hardware implementation)
    2012-11-18 21:18:37下载
  • Building-of-a-Speech-Corpus-Optimised-for-Unit-Se
    The paper deals with the process of designing a phonetically and prosodically rich speech corpus for unit selection speech synthesis. The attention is given mainly to the recording and verification stage of the process.
    2014-03-01 22:14:41下载
  • 12
    说明:  本系统以单片机AT89C51为主体,由芯片插座、独立按键、74HC573驱动8位数码管显示、5V直流电源控制模块等组成。根据数字集成芯片的引脚特性以及集成芯片的真值表编写检测程序。该系统能完成14脚以内常用TTL74系列数字集成芯片的功能测试。(This system is the main body of the single-chip microcomputer AT89C51, the chip socket, independent buttons, 74HC573 Driver 8 digital control, 5V DC power control module and so on. According to the characteristics of the digital chip and the chip s true value, the program is written in the chip.. The system can complete the functional test of the TTL74 series digital IC chip in 14 feet.)
    2015-05-25 18:16:58下载
  • KeyBorad
    扫描4X4键盘,并将键值在数码管和8个LED上显示,同时将键值通过串口或RS232端口或USB发送给PC机接收并解码来自标准键盘的基本按键的扫描码。(4X4 keypad scanning, and key in the digital tube and eight LED display, while the key through the serial port or RS232 port or a USB send the PC to receive and decode the scan code of the key from the standard keyboard.)
    2012-12-07 11:33:37下载
  • ucosii51
    这是一个用51单片机系统仿真ucosii工作的protues电路 本系统包括扩展64k RAM的单片机系统和杨屹移植到51单片机的ucosii 系统 使用方法: 1.安装Protues7.4版,然后用protues打开protues 8051 simulation 文件夹 中的extern ram.DSN 文件 2.打开extern ram.DSN 后,双击单片机在弹出的窗口中的Program File 选项 中选择yy.hex文件。 (yy.hex其实就是yy文件夹中keil文档编译出来的hex文 件,yy文件夹是杨屹的ucos51 系统,用keil 2 可以打开) 3.在Clock Frequency选项中输入22.184M(杨屹的ucos51 用的是22.184M hz的单片机频率) 4.双击VTERM串口调试显示屏,在Baud Rate 选项中选择19200的波特率 5.保存,点击运行就可以看到经典的hello world 了。 (1. Protues7.4 version installed, and then open the protues folder protues 8051 simulation The extern ram.DSN file 2. Open extern ram.DSN, double-click the pop-up window of SCM in the Program File option, select yy.hex file. (yy.hex actually yy folder keil out of the document compiled hex files, yy folder is Yang Yi s ucos51 system, using keil 2 Can open) 3. In the Clock Frequency option to enter 22.184M (Yang Yi of the ucos51 using a microcontroller 22.184M hz frequency) 4. Double-click VTERM serial debug display, in the Baud Rate select 19200 baud rate options 5. Save, click Run you can see the classic hello world)
    2010-03-09 19:40:03下载
  • 02-Timer0-Timer1-Timer2
    在stc51单片机上,timer0、timer1、timer2的控制(In the stc51 microcontroller, timer0, Timer1, timer2 control)
    2017-06-24 09:41:36下载
  • HookShadowSSDT
    hook ssdtShadow影子描述表,采用普通的ssdthook;(hook system description table, ssdt table)
    2012-11-23 21:54:31下载
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