说明: 蚁群算法是一种用来寻找优化路径的概率型算法。这种算法具有分布计算、信息正反馈和启发式搜索的特征,本质上是进化算法中的一种启发式全局优化算法。(Ant colony algorithm (ACO) is a probabilistic algorithm for finding optimal paths. This algorithm has the characteristics of distributed computing, positive information feedback and heuristic search. It is essentially a heuristic global optimization algorithm in evolutionary algorithm.)
ACS-Code, 0 , 2020-10-04
ACS-Code\acs.cpp, 9856 , 2019-12-09
ACS-Code\acs.h, 1187 , 2019-12-09
ACS-Code\eil51.tsp, 448 , 2019-12-09
AS-Code, 0 , 2020-10-04
AS-Code\aco_tsp.cpp, 8860 , 2019-10-14
AS-Code\aco_tsp.h, 1326 , 2019-10-14
Python plot, 0 , 2020-10-04
Python plot\CCplot.py, 524 , 2019-12-09
Python plot\Convergence_curve.png, 22587 , 2020-01-04
Python plot\TSP_tour.png, 29081 , 2020-01-04
Python plot\convergence.txt, 1125 , 2020-01-04
Python plot\tour.txt, 11428 , 2020-01-04
Python plot\tourplot.py, 640 , 2019-12-09