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于 2021-03-19 发布
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说明:  一些简单的对图像的处理和直方图均衡化的复刻,可帮助初学者增加认知(Some simple image processing and histogram equalization can help beginners increase cognition)


DigitalImage.m, 1317 , 2020-11-18
DigitalImage.zip, 696 , 2021-03-19
diyibanHistqe.m, 842 , 2021-03-19
diyibanHistqe.zip, 577 , 2021-03-19



0 个回复

  • ImageSegment
    图像分割程序,采用水平集演化的思想,实现偏微分方程中的GAC模型。Image segment source code(GAC model),which adopt the idea of level set evolving.(Image segmentation procedures, the use of level set evolution of thought, the realization of partial differential equations of the GAC model. Image segment source code (GAC model), which adopt the idea of level set evolving.)
    2007-09-20 18:09:54下载
  • feature_selection
    自己编的特征选择程序,分别包括用顺序前进法(SFS),顺序后退法(SBS),增l 减r 法(l–r)、SFFS法进行选择的程序(own addendum to the feature selection procedures, including the use of sequential forward (SFS). back order (SBS), by reducing r l (l-r), SFFS method to choose the procedure)
    2021-04-28 10:58:44下载
  • GFF_1.0
    Image Fusion With Guided Filtering基于向导滤波的图像融合。将图像分解成基础层和细节层,用一种新型的滤波融合图像,使融合效果更显著更高效。(The image is decomposed into a base layer and layer of detail, the fused image with a new filter, the fusion effect is more pronounced and more efficient.)
    2016-05-20 16:11:45下载
  • IVS
    打开一个图像或者视频文件,相应的轮廓检测功能,视频运动物体的跟踪功能(applications on image,tracking objects in the video)
    2010-11-22 21:46:29下载
    代码实现2014 CAD 文章 Progressive and iterative approximation for least squares B-spline curve and surface fitting(The code implementation of Progressive and iterative approximation for least squares B-spline curve and surface fitting)
    2021-04-06 00:19:03下载
  • tuxiangchulidaima
    本文针对目前图像特效处理的需求,主要研究几种基本的数字图像处理算法,以达到人们所期待得到的各种不同的效果。并在基于Windows系统的Visual C++6.0集成开发环境下,生成BMP位图文件并对其进行读取,使用VC编码实现这些算法。编写程序在BMP位图文件中画出各种图像,例如:三角型,圆,正弦函数图。在点运算处理中介绍了灰度化处理,算法设计原理是将输入像素点的灰度值通过算法实现改变其相应输出点的灰度值。在图像增强中,介绍了图形的平滑和图像的锐化算法,其算法的设计原理是根据一个固定小区域的几个像素灰度值设置某个像素的灰度值,通常有其固定模板。 本文具体给出了这些算法的设计思想及算法描述,并通过程序实现。最后将其效果图与原始图像进行了比较。 (In this paper, the image effects to deal with the current demand for basic research in several digital image processing algorithms in order to achieve what people expect different result. And Windows-based system, Visual C++6.0 integrated development environment to generate BMP bitmap file and read them using VC coding to implement these algorithms. Write a program to draw a variety of graphics in BMP bitmap file, example: triangle, circle, sine function diagram. Point arithmetic processing grayscale processing, algorithm design principle is the value of the input pixel gray value of the corresponding output point algorithm change. Enhancement of the image on the smooth graphics and image sharpening algorithm. The design principle of the algorithm is based on a fixed number of small regions of a pixel value of gray-scale pixel value, usually a fixed template. In this paper, given the specific design of these algorithms and the algorithm description, and program . Finally, the effect o)
    2015-07-07 10:05:26下载
  • JPEG
    C++ based JPEG on grayscale image DCT -> Quantization -> ZigZag -> DPCM, Runlength,-> Entropy Coding
    2016-11-28 21:05:34下载
  • 6017923462007323212458268938
    图象处理用于对BMP格式的图象进行几何校正.(image processing used to BMP format images geometric correction.)
    2020-07-03 23:00:02下载
  • boxFilter
    盒状滤波器,可以用来用来对图像进行滤波,对图像的预处理(Box-shaped filter can be used for image filtering, pre-processing of the image)
    2016-05-12 10:41:30下载
  • work1
    说明:  提取纹理图像特征,包括平均值、标准差、平滑度、三阶矩、一致性、和熵。(Extract texture features, including mean, standard deviation, smoothness, third moment, consistency, and entropy.)
    2010-04-21 17:47:50下载
  • 696518资源总数
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  • 15今日下载