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  代码实现2014 CAD 文章 Progressive and iterative approximation for least squares B-spline curve and surface fitting(The code implementation of Progressive and iterative approximation for least squares B-spline curve and surface fitting)


LSPIA\AdKnotPIALSFCubicBSplineInterSEP.m, 1301 , 2015-03-26
LSPIA\BoxOfPointArray.m, 403 , 2012-02-18
LSPIA\CompareMu.m, 1577 , 2012-05-21
LSPIA\CompareTBWandPW.m, 2023 , 2016-04-08
LSPIA\CompareTBWandPW1.m, 278 , 2016-04-14
LSPIA\ComputePointOfCubicBSplineCurve.m, 1964 , 2011-11-28
LSPIA\data\example1_air.txt, 1946 , 2011-12-08
LSPIA\data\example2_knee.txt, 1809 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\data\example3_mouse.txt, 1193 , 2011-12-09
LSPIA\data\example4_G.txt, 1202 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\data\G.txt, 571 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\data\knee_ad_knot.txt, 300 , 2011-12-05
LSPIA\data\knee_example ad_para.txt, 313 , 2011-12-05
LSPIA\data\knee_example.txt, 759 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\data\knee_section.txt, 2898 , 2005-09-13
LSPIA\data\knee_x.txt, 1406 , 2011-12-04
LSPIA\data\knee_y.txt, 1406 , 2011-12-04
LSPIA\data\LU Example1.txt, 600 , 2011-12-04
LSPIA\data\mouse.txt, 570 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\data\mousex.txt, 2253 , 2011-10-26
LSPIA\data\mousey.txt, 2253 , 2011-10-26
LSPIA\data\mouse_ad_knot.txt, 601 , 2011-12-04
LSPIA\data\mouse_section.txt, 4593 , 2005-09-13
LSPIA\data\机翼数据.doc, 57344 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\data\误差记录.doc, 56832 , 2011-12-06
LSPIA\Diff_Ctrl_Point.m, 880 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\Diff_Data_Point.m, 731 , 2012-06-14
LSPIA\DisplaceDist.m, 795 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\DisplaceDistThreePointTan.m, 629 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\DisplayCubicBsplineCurve.m, 885 , 2012-04-02
LSPIA\FitAndDisplay.m, 924 , 2012-05-17
LSPIA\FitAndDisplayCP.m, 1017 , 2012-02-26
LSPIA\InitData.m, 1183 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\InitDataAjmd.m, 288 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\Initilize.m, 652 , 2016-04-08
LSPIA\Init_SharpCorner.m, 1092 , 2013-07-29
LSPIA\InsertOneKnotCubicBSpline.m, 1016 , 2012-02-18
LSPIA\Intersection.m, 566 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\jiecheng.m, 163 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\JudgeFourPointsConvex.m, 425 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\KnotsForBspline.m, 535 , 2012-03-27
LSPIA\LSCubicBSpline.m, 1316 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\LSFInterSEP.m, 906 , 2012-05-21
LSPIA\LSPIACubicBSplineDefMu.m, 1431 , 2012-05-21
LSPIA\LSPIACubicBSplineSP.m, 1051 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\matlab.mat, 46624 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\MatrixAndMu.m, 633 , 2012-06-14
LSPIA\Newmod.m, 243 , 2011-11-28
LSPIA\Norm.m, 179 , 2012-03-10
LSPIA\Normalize.m, 45 , 2012-03-11
LSPIA\NProduct.m, 235 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\Parameterize.m, 430 , 2012-03-23
LSPIA\PIALSFCubicBSplineInterSEP.m, 1257 , 2015-03-26
LSPIA\PracMuAndTBestMu.m, 667 , 2012-06-14
LSPIA\Revise_FitAndDisplay.m, 938 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\Revise_Initilize_centroid.m, 568 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\Revise_Initilize_far_init.m, 479 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\Revise_LSPIACubicBSplineSP.m, 1117 , 2013-03-11
LSPIA\SProduct.m, 235 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\Weight_Diff_Ctrl_Point.m, 743 , 2012-03-29
LSPIA\data, 0 , 2018-11-12
LSPIA, 0 , 2018-11-12



0 个回复

  • StereoRectification
    图像校正的Matlab代码,非常不错,可以实现很好的校正结果,速度也很快(Image correction of Matlab code, very good, very good correction can be achieved the result of quick)
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  • ws1
    这是一个基于vc++语言下读取像素点灰度值(write highhui of a photo!)
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  • PSOt.matlab.m
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  • shuangmu
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    本算法先将彩色图像变换成灰度图像,在进行基于区域生长法进行图像分割(It segmented image with region growing. Then local adaptation luminance was computed via region-based bilateral filter. It outputted low dynamic range images in conjunction with tone mapping operator. )
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  • chengxu1
    本程序实现了对指纹图像的预处理、特征提取,效果很好,有图有程序,可以直接使用。(This procedure to achieve the fingerprint image preprocessing, feature extraction, the effect is very good, there are plans to have procedures can be used directly.)
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