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于 2016-11-28 发布 文件大小:13027KB
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  C++ based JPEG on grayscale image DCT -> Quantization -> ZigZag -> DPCM, Runlength,-> Entropy Coding



0 个回复

  • 24368
    程序将界面与数据处理分开,界面采用MFC的对话框模板,对注册、训练、识别和主界面分别建立一个类,通过消息处理函数与用户进行交互,利用多线程来实时显示图像。 数据处理又分为了CFaceAlign(人脸检测+几何归一化)、CLightPrep(光照归一化)、CFaceFeature(Gabor特征提取)、CSubspace(计算Fisherface子空间)四个类,还有一个类 CFaceMngr 负责管理界面与数据之间的交流。这样的程序结构使对界面和算法彼此独立,互不影响。 每个类的具体方法请见相应头文件中的注释。(The program will interface with the data processing separate interface using MFC dialog template, registration, training, recognition and the main interface, respectively, to create a class that interacts with the user through a message handler, using multiple threads to display images in real time.   Data processing is divided into a CFaceAlign (Face Detection+ geometric normalization), CLightPrep (illumination normalization), CFaceFeature (Gabor feature extraction), CSubspace (computing Fisherface subspace) four categories, as well as a class is responsible for managing CFaceMngr interface and data exchange between. Such a program structure allows for interfaces and algorithms are independent of each other. Specific methods of each class, see the comments in the appropriate header files.)
    2015-04-13 10:05:34下载
  • ship
    船舶数据处理程序,可以实现船舶任意运动姿态的数据,描绘运动轨迹,从而分析船舶运动姿态(ship data extraction)
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  • waituigai
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  • ss2005.11.29
    主要用于打开8位、24位BMP图像,并对其进行相应的处理,如:颜色分量提取,检测等(key to open the eight, 24 BMP images, and its corresponding treatment, such as : color component extraction, testing)
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  • smooth
    对图像进行平滑去噪,提高图像的质量,为后期的图像处理打基础(very good)
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  • K-maens
    K均值聚类算法对图像进行分割,实验用程序,亲测可用。(K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation, experimental procedures, pro-test is available.)
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  • shape-matching
    基于形状的模板匹配,用到了opencv,主体包含两部分,建模与金字塔搜索。(Based on the shape of the template matching, the use of opencv, the main body contains two parts, modeling and pyramid search.)
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  • SIFT_VC.lib
    本系统中VIS欠缺的SIFT_VC.lib文件。。。 http://www.pudn.com/downloads224/sourcecode/math/detail1055031.html(This is lib file, which is used in Video Intelligent System (VIS) based on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 compiler environment and OpenCV 2.0 library. It includes foreground detection, motion object detection, motion object tracking, trajectories generation and analysis modules. It realizes a friendly interface based on dialog, which provides a convenient example for new learners. keywords: opencv, mixture of gaussian model, sift feature and ransac method, mean shift, particle filter, kalman filter, object detection and tracking, video intelligent system.)
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  • DIPDemo
    包括图像输入(打开文件、采集、捕捉图像、从剪贴板粘贴、打开扫描软件、灰度化、添加随机噪声、椒盐噪声、去噪声)、图像处理(几何变换、灰度反转、直方图均衡化、直方图统计、图像复原、边缘提取、伪彩色、二值化、图像变换)、图像输出(另存图像、打印输出、复制到剪贴板)(Including image input (open the file, capture, capture images, paste from the clipboard, open the scanning software, graying, adding random noise, Salt and pepper noise, to noise), image processing (geometric transformation, gray inversion, histogram equalization oriented, histogram statistics, image restoration, edge extraction, pseudo-color, binary, image transform), image output (save the image, print out, copy to clipboard))
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