程序将界面与数据处理分开,界面采用MFC的对话框模板,对注册、训练、识别和主界面分别建立一个类,通过消息处理函数与用户进行交互,利用多线程来实时显示图像。 数据处理又分为了CFaceAlign(人脸检测+几何归一化)、CLightPrep(光照归一化)、CFaceFeature(Gabor特征提取)、CSubspace(计算Fisherface子空间)四个类,还有一个类 CFaceMngr 负责管理界面与数据之间的交流。这样的程序结构使对界面和算法彼此独立,互不影响。 每个类的具体方法请见相应头文件中的注释。(The program will interface with the data processing separate interface using MFC dialog template, registration, training, recognition and the main interface, respectively, to create a class that interacts with the user through a message handler, using multiple threads to display images in real time.   Data processing is divided into a CFaceAlign (Face Detection+ geometric normalization), CLightPrep (illumination normalization), CFaceFeature (Gabor feature extraction), CSubspace (computing Fisherface subspace) four categories, as well as a class is responsible for managing CFaceMngr interface and data exchange between. Such a program structure allows for interfaces and algorithms are independent of each other. Specific methods of each class, see the comments in the appropriate header files.)