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于 2019-04-05 发布
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说明:  一种基于ABC-AFS算法的混合入侵检测系统,用于误用和异常检测(A hybrid intrusion detection system based on ABC-AFS algorithm for misuse and anomaly detection)


一种基于ABC-AFS算法的混合入侵检测系统,用于误用和异常检测.pdf, 1415555 , 2019-01-11



0 个回复

  • Student-MFC-VCPP-ODBC
    用MFC做的一个学生信息管理系统,有增加、删除、排序、筛选功能,系统通过ODBC方式连接数据库。 由于文库不支持RAR,故需要完整的程序以及数据库可以联系俺,希望对大家有帮助。 (To do with the MFC, a student information management system, increase, delete, sort, filter functions, the system through ODBC to connect to the database. The library does not support RAR, I therefore need to complete the program and database can be contacted, we hope to help.)
    2012-06-09 11:03:11下载
  • paper688
    随着并联机构学理论的日益成熟,并联摇摆台以其大刚度、高精度和重载等优点,广泛应用于机械、航海和航天等领域。其中,以车辆模拟台的应用最为广泛。车辆在行驶过程中由于受到路况等扰动因素的影响,会产生横摇、纵倾、转艏、前冲、横移和升降共6种位姿的运动,而通过六自由摇摆台能将车辆的这些运动真实的再现出来。 本文以项目——六自由度重型摇摆台的研制为依托,在对国内外六自由度摇摆台的研究现状做了比较深入、系统分析的基础上,对车辆重型摇摆台与负载锁定结构进行了分析优化,主要的研究内容如下: 首先,对六自由度重型摇摆台进行运动学建模,分析、优化机构在六种独立姿态及部分耦合位姿情况下支撑杆的运动范围,最终确定了支撑杆合理的转角空间和上下铰链座的结构,提高了机构的运动学、动力学性能。 (With the development of theory of parallel mechanism, parallel plat quickly enters the international market for high stiffness、high precision and heavy load, which is widely used in mechanical、navigation and aviation, etc. Among these parallel plats, the vehicle simulator is the most widely used. Due to the disturbance factors of ups and downs of the different roads, vehicle has 6 degrees of freedom during its traveling movements, such as rolling、pitching、yawing、surging、swaying and heaving that can be simulated in the use of 6-DOF platform. Based on the project of heavy platform, this paper optimizes the platform and the load locking structure after the in-depth and systematic analysis of 6-DOF parallel plat at home and abroad, the main research contents are as follows: Firstly, this paper establish the kinematic modeling that is used to analyze the rotating range of the axis belonging to the supporting pole in many traveling conditions, such as one of six movements indepe)
    2012-09-08 17:47:11下载
  • PowerSplittingforFullDuplexRelay
    一篇关于全双工中继的功率分流能量采集方法的论文,发表于ARXIV,2015年。是一篇具有指导意义的文章,建议相关行业的朋友下载阅读学习。(A full-duplex relay on power-split energy harvesting methods papers, published in ARXIV, 2015 . Is an instructive article, suggested that the relevant industry friends to download learning to read.)
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    大牛Fausto Guzzetti的博士论文,研究滑坡的都知道的著名学者,对相关研究者有很好的指导作用(LANDSLIDE HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT)
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    应用MATLAB实现连续信号的抽样与重构仿真 1. 掌握利用MATLAB分析系统频率响应的方法,增加对仿真软件MATLAB的感性认识,学会该软件的操作和使用方法。 2. 掌握利用MATLAB实现连续信号采用与重构的方法,加深理解抽样与重构的概念。 3 . 初步掌握线性系统的设计方法,培养独立工作能力。 4. 学习MATLAB中信号表示的基本方法及绘图函数的调用,实现对常用连续时间信号的可视化表示,加深对各种电信号的理解。 5. 加深理解抽样对信号的时域和频域特性的影响;验证信号与系统的基本概念、基本理论,掌握信号与系统的分析方法。 6. 加深对抽样定理的理解和掌握,以及对信号恢复的必要性;掌握对连续信号在时域的抽样与重构的方法。 (MATLAB)
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