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HiSilicon PQ Tools User Guide

于 2020-06-28 发布
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说明:  User manual of HiSilicon PQTools Utility V1.0.7.0


HiSilicon PQ Tools User Guide.pdf, 5977087 , 2016-11-29



0 个回复

  • Desivices
    说明:  电力电子装置故障录波器设计Design of fault recorder power electronic devices(Design of fault recorder power electronic devices)
    2011-02-25 14:43:11下载
  • 31641313611
    大规模光伏发电并网对互联电力系统阻尼特性的影响及其阻尼控制策略(Influence of Large-Scale PhotoVoItaic System Integration on Danlping Characteristics of Interconnect Grid and Dampjng Control)
    2020-06-24 15:20:01下载
  • LidDrivenFlow_LBM_Test
    very good programs,I hope all members can have a look and learn somthing from it !
    2011-06-09 10:23:18下载
  • digital-phased-array
    很好的硕士论文,学习相控阵技术的重要资料。(Good master thesis, learn important information of phased array technology.)
    2016-03-31 09:02:03下载
  • description.tar
    a description for acoral(emcos)(2)
    2010-07-28 15:16:02下载
  • phase
    设计了一基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的低频数字式相位测量仪。该测量仪包括数字式移相信号发生器和相位测量仪两部分,分别完成移相信号的发生及其频率、相位差的预置及数字显示、发生信号的移相以及移相后信号相位差和频率的测量与显示几个功能。其中数字式移相信号发生器可以产生预置频率的正弦信号,也可产生预置相位差的两路同频正弦信号,并能显示预置频率或相位差值;相位测量仪能测量移相信号的频率、相位差的测量和显示。两个部分均采用基于FPGA的数字技术实现,使得该系统具有抗干扰能力强, 可靠性好等优点。()
    2008-05-10 14:51:06下载
  • 430-design-schematics
    430设计原理图 适用于初学者 本着实验方便而设计各种模块接口(430 design schematics for beginners in line with a variety of experiments designed to facilitate module interface)
    2013-08-26 10:54:45下载
  • imaging-technology-of-radar
    保铮院士编写的雷达成像技术的书。该书上传的格式为PDF(Bao Zheng academicians write a book radar imaging technology. PDF format of the book upload)
    2011-04-29 14:13:42下载
  • no-person-drive-car
    中设计的无人驾驶电动汽车(图1)是集无人驾驶技术、 四轮独立电驱动技术和底盘电子控制技术于一体的智能电动 汽车 (In the design of unmanned electric vehicles (Figure 1) is a driverless technology, four-wheel independent electric drive technology and chassis electronic control technology in one of the smart electric vehicles)
    2011-11-26 13:35:10下载
  • FaultRecorderDesign
    基于 ARM和 Linux嵌入式平台的 故障录波器通信接口设计(Abstract: To s olve some p r oblems of hardware configure, cost and reliability based on the traditi onalmicr ocomputer2 based fault re2 corder, a scheme for the fault recorderwhich takesARM and DSP as system hardware,L inux as system soft ware is p resented . DSP is used for high2s peed data operati on, and the ARM p latform comp letes terminal contr ol and communicati on . Then a si mp lified structure in s oft ware and hardware comes out . HP I technique is studied in detail in order t o meet the demand of contr ol and high2s peed data communicati on bet ween the t wo kernels .)
    2011-04-19 18:48:23下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载