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于 2011-04-19 发布 文件大小:133KB
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  基于 ARM和 Linux嵌入式平台的 故障录波器通信接口设计(Abstract: To s olve some p r oblems of hardware configure, cost and reliability based on the traditi onalmicr ocomputer2 based fault re2 corder, a scheme for the fault recorderwhich takesARM and DSP as system hardware,L inux as system soft ware is p resented . DSP is used for high2s peed data operati on, and the ARM p latform comp letes terminal contr ol and communicati on . Then a si mp lified structure in s oft ware and hardware comes out . HP I technique is studied in detail in order t o meet the demand of contr ol and high2s peed data communicati on bet ween the t wo kernels .)



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  • 项目思路:仓库管理机器人开发
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