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  Optical communication system book for Matlab


fiber-optic-communication-systems-isbn-0471215716-govind-p-agrawal.pdf, 6051886 , 2019-07-30



0 个回复

  • StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS
    初始对准技术是惯性导航系统的关键技术之一,初始对准的快速性和精度直 接关系到捷联惯导系统的性能。论文以罗经对准方法在捷联惯导系统中的应用为 目的,深入地进行了理论、实验和应用研究。 理论上,由捷联式惯导系统误差模型开始,结合罗经对准原理,建立罗经对 准数学模型。在此基础上,设计算法和控制流程,并依据控制理论选择适当的控 制参数。 在理论分析之后,针对可能出现的多种外界条件进行模拟数据仿真实验验证 算法和参数选择的正确性。仿真实验结果表明:在SOOs内系统对准精度达到0.10 并目_适用十高纬度地区。 车载试验数据离线分析,试验中使用GPS测得的速度信息作为外测参考速 度信息,在车辆运动过程中对准系统保持工作状态。将导航解算得到的结果与 GPS测得的信息进行比较分析,导航精度与GPS精度相当,即速度精度0.2m/s 水平位置精度lOmo (StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS)
    2021-03-24 15:59:15下载
  • 《Python Cookbook》第三版中文
    说明:  Python Cookbook第三版书籍(Python Cookbook,the third book)
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  • 【图】可计算性与计算复杂性导引(第3版)
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  • weijiyuanli
    里面为微机原理老师的全部课件,好不容易搞过来的。(Inside the principle teacher for all computer software, from engaging in the hard-won.)
    2009-06-18 11:01:00下载
  • gef.tutorial.step6
    GEF中文教程书籍源码.这个是第6章的代码。(GEF Chinese tutorial source books and this is the code in Chapter 6.)
    2014-02-21 15:26:18下载
  • dvancED_Flash_Interface_Design_-_FriendsofED
    AdvancED Flash Interface Design by Michael Kemper, Guido Rosso, Brian Monnone. Learn all the most sought-after visual effects for Flash interface animation and design. All techniques are industry tested for optimal quality and production time. Include complete Flash video primer!
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  • EXCEL集成系统使用说明
    使用excel制作自己需要的管理软件,使用excel制作 自己需要的管理软件(Using Excel to make the management software you need)
    2017-12-29 13:52:57下载
  • Programming.Pearls--(2)
    编程珠玑中文第二版.pdf(包括源码) 本书是计算机科学方面的经典名著,原名Programming Pearls Second Edition 书的内容围绕程序设计人员面对的一系列实际问题展开。作者Jon Bentley 以其独有的洞察力和创造力,引导读者理解这些问题并学会解决方法,而这些正是程序员实际编程生涯中至关重要的。本书的特色是通过一些精心设计的有趣而又颇具指导意义的程序,对实用程序设计技巧及基本设计原则进行了透彻而睿智的描述,为复杂的编程问题提供了清晰而完备的解决思路。本书对各个层次的程序员都具有很高的阅读价值。. (Programming Pearls Chinese second edition. Pdf (including source code) This book is in computer science classics, formerly Programming Pearls Second Edition Contents of the book focus on program design were faced with a series of practical issues. Author Jon Bentley its unique insight and creativity, to guide readers to understand the issues and learn solutions, which is what the programmer actual programming career essential. The book features through some interesting and well-designed program is instructive, for practical programming skills and basic design principles and wise conduct a thorough description of the problem for complex programming provides a clear and complete solution ideas. Book for all levels of programmers have a high value of reading. .)
    2013-08-22 11:13:49下载
  • Python核心编程 第3版 中文版
    说明:  本书是经典畅销图书《Python 核心编程(第二版)》的全新升级版本,总共分为 3 部分。 第 1 部分讲解了 Python 的一些通用应用,包括正则表达式、网络编程、Internet 客户端编程、多线程编程、GUI 编程、数据库编程、Microsoft Office 编程、扩展 Python 等内容。 第 2 部分 讲解了与 Web 开发相关的主题,包括 Web 客户端和服务器、CGI 和 WSGI 相关的 Web 编程、Diango Web 框架、云计算、高级 Web 服务。第 3 部分则为一个补充/实验章节,包括文本处理以及一些其他内容。 本书适合具有一定经验的 Python 开发人员阅读(This book is a new upgraded version of the classic best-selling book Python Core Programming (2nd Edition). It is divided into three parts. Part 1 explains some general applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multi-threading programming, GUI programming, database programming, Microsoft Office programming, extension of Python and so on. Part 2 Topics related to Web development are explained, including Web client and server, CGI and WSGI related Web programming, Diango Web framework, cloud computing, advanced Web services. Part 3 is a supplementary/experimental chapter, including text processing and some other contents. This book is suitable for Python developers with some experience.)
    2020-06-17 10:40:02下载
  • DPD
    对数字预失真技术的讲解,挺有用的!!!!(Digital pre-distortion technology, explained, winter ridge used)
    2010-08-19 15:11:34下载
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