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于 2009-06-18 发布 文件大小:9357KB
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  里面为微机原理老师的全部课件,好不容易搞过来的。(Inside the principle teacher for all computer software, from engaging in the hard-won.)



0 个回复

  • Scheduling_parallel_machine_problem_unde
    说明:  Scheduling_parallel_machine_problem_unde
    2019-04-21 20:10:47下载
  • kaggle_diabetic-master
    说明:  A commented bash script to generate our final 2nd place solution can be found in make_kaggle_solution.sh. Running all the commands sequentially will probably take 7 - 10 days on recent consumer grade hardware. If you have multiple GPUs you can speed things up by doing training and feature extraction for the two networks in parallel. However, due to the computationally heavy data augmentation it may be far less than twice as fast especially when working with 512x512 pixel input images. You can also obtain a quadratic weighted kappa score of 0.839 on the private leaderboard by just training the 4x4 kernel networks and by performing only 20 feature extraction iterations with the weights that gave you the best MSE validation scores during training. The entire ensemble only achieves a slightly higher score of 0.845.
    2019-05-11 15:31:21下载
  • suse
    说明:  suse linux,现在比较流行的linux,这是中文手册,很好用的。(suse linux, now more popular linux, it is the Chinese manual good use.)
    2005-12-08 23:28:31下载
  • 廖雪峰python3教程
    如果你满足以下条件: ? 会使用电脑,但从来没写过程序; ? 还记得初中数学学的方程式和一点点代数知识; ? 想从编程小白变成专业的软件架构师; ? 每天能抽出半个小时学习。 那么你就能学会python(If you meet the following criteria: Can use a computer, but never write a program; Remember junior high school math equations and a little algebra; Want to go from programming whiz to professional software architect; I can spare half an hour to study every day. Then you can learn python)
    2020-06-25 16:20:01下载
  • dma
    This pdf descripes DMA
    2017-03-02 05:22:50下载
  • 《Python数据挖掘入门与实践》
    《Python数据挖掘入门与实践》 本书为数据挖掘入门读物,介绍了数据挖掘的基础知识、基本工具和实践方法,通过循序渐进地讲解算法,带你轻松踏上数据挖掘之旅。本书采用理论与实践相结合的方式,呈现了如何使用决策树和随机森林算法预测美国职业篮球联赛比赛结果,如何使用亲和性分析方法推荐电影,如何使用朴素贝叶斯算法进行社会媒体挖掘,等等。本书也涉及神经网络、深度学习、大数据处理等内容。(Introduction and Practice of Python Data Mining)
    2019-05-07 11:55:15下载
  • 4A486FBBd01
    Spatialite helper document that describes steps for developement
    2009-10-09 18:47:29下载
  • 算法图解
    本书示例丰富,图文并茂,以让人容易理解的方式阐释了算法,旨在帮助程序员在日常项目中更好地发挥算法的能量。书中的前三章将帮助你打下基础,带你学习二分查找、大O表示法、两种基本的数据结构以及递归等。余下的篇幅将主要介绍应用广泛的算法,具体内容包括:面对具体问题时的解决技巧,比如,何时采用贪婪算法或动态规划;散列表的应用;图算法;K最近邻算法。(a book about arithmetic)
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  • VMMforSystemVerilog
    VMM for SystemVerilog中文版 Synopsys推崇SystemVerilog的设计和验证语言 这是一本很好的电子书(VMM for SystemVerilog Chinese version of Synopsys highly SystemVerilog design and verification language This is a very good e-book)
    2007-09-13 09:55:03下载
  • Dynamic-Fracture-Mechanics
    动态断裂教程,很经典,对理解动态断裂帮助很大,可以用abaqus实现(Dynamic fracture tutorial, very classic, a great help to understand the dynamic fracture, can use the implementation of abaqus)
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