哈希表 数据结构课程设计 1.1问题描述 针对自己的班集体中的“人名”设计一个哈希表,使得平均查找长度不超过R,完成相应的建表和查表程序。 1.2基本要求 假设人名为中国姓名的汉语拼音形式。待填入哈希表的人名共有30个,取平均查找长度的上限为2。构造哈希函数,用链表法处理冲突。 1.3测试数据 读取熟悉的30个人的姓名作测试。(Hash table Data Structure Course Design 1.1 Description of the problem For their own class group of the "names" to design a hash table, making the average search length does not exceed R, the completion of construction of tables and look-up table corresponding procedures. 1.2 Basic requirements Assuming the name of the person called Chinese pinyin form. To be filled into a hash table names a total of 30, taking the average search length of the upper limit of 2. Construct a hash function, treatment with a list of conflict. 1.3 Test Data Read the familiar names of 30 individuals tested.)
Hash table.doc,207360,2011-12-19