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于 2011-05-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  数据结构中的顺序表,是其中的一个重要组成部分(The order of the table data structure is an important component of which)



0 个回复

  • the-dynamic-planning
    本文讨论了动态规划这一思想的核心内容和其基本特点,探讨了动态规划思想的适用范围,动态规划子问题空间和递推关系式确立的一般思路。(This paper discusses the dynamic planning this thought core content and its basic characteristics, this paper discusses the dynamic planning idea, the applicable scope of the dynamic programming problem space and son recursive formula of the establishment of general thoughts. )
    2011-12-15 16:49:05下载
  • paixu
    各种排序算法的实现,如快速排序,冒泡排序,选择排序,堆排序,二分插入排序等(Implementation of various sorting algorithms, such as quick sort, bubble sort, selection sort, heap sort, binary insertion sort, etc.)
    2010-09-28 22:20:55下载
  • NoGo
    计算机博弈大赛不围棋的代码 个人所写,可以用来参考( U8BA1 u7B97 u673A u535A u5F08 u5927 u8D5B u4E0D u56F4 u68CB u7684 u4EE3 u7801 u4E2A u4EBA u6240 u5199 uFF0C u53EF u4EE5 u7528 u6765 u53C2 u8003)
    2021-04-04 19:39:04下载
  • MyGPS
    1>实现可以随意浏览任一景点的介绍。(功能一) 2>可以给出任意两个景点的最短距离及其路线。(功能二) 3>可以查看任一景点热度,并可以对对所有景点热度(访问次数)进行排序。(功能三) 4>每个景点相关内容从文件读取,实现对文件操作的练习。 (1> implementations can feel free to browse introduce 任一景 points. (Function a) 2> You can give the shortest distance and route between any two attractions. (Function b) 3> You can view Renyi Jing point heat, and heat can all attractions (visits) to be sorted. (Function c) 4> each spot related content file reading, to achieve the file operations exercises.)
    2015-11-12 22:16:01下载
  • Mult
    说明:  数据结构课上作业实现了一个多项式乘法的功能有注解(Job class data structure implements a polynomial function of multiplication comments)
    2011-03-20 20:28:31下载
  • edge-betweenness
    计算边介数,复杂网络,中心性计算,介数也可以计算,运用了数据结构,计算大量数据(edge betweenness,complex network, centrality)
    2021-05-15 01:30:03下载
  • 最短路径c++语言
    说明:  用从c++写的floyd最短路径算法,可以求邻接矩阵任意两点的最短路径。(from using c++ to write the Floyd shortest path algorithm, can help adjacency matrix arbitrary 2:00 Shortest Path.)
    2020-09-20 14:07:55下载
  • Set
    使用C语言建立带头结点链表实现了集合。并进行了性能上的优化。(Achieve set using C to build list witch head node. And make optimization in performance.)
    2009-11-18 13:29:05下载
  • pinfanfangwen
    设有一头指针为L的带有表头结点的非循环双向链表,其每个结点中除有prev(前驱指针),data(数据)和next(后继指针)域外,还有一个访问频度域freq。在链表被起用前,其值均初始化为零。每当在链表中进行一次Locate(L,x)运算时,令元素值为x的结点中freq域的值增1,并使此链表中结点保持按访问频度非增(递减)的顺序排列,同时最近访问的结点排在频度相同的结点的最后,以便使频繁访问的结点总是靠近表头。试编写符合上述要求的Locate(L,x)运算的算法,该运算为函数过程,返回找到结点的地址,类型为指针型。(Has a head pointer is non-circular doubly linked list L with a header node, each node in addition to prev (precursor pointer), data (data) and next (successor pointers) outside, there is an access frequency degree domain freq. Before the list was hired, their values are initialized to zero. Whenever carried out in the list once Locate (L, x) when the operation, so that the element node x is the value in freq domain by one, and keep this list in the node-access frequency of non-increasing (decreasing) the order, while a recent visit to the nodes in the same row of the frequency of the last node, so that the nodes are frequently accessed tables are always near the head. Locate (L, x) algorithm is prepared in accordance with the above requirements of the test operation, the operation as a function of the process, return to find the address of the node of type pointer.)
    2015-01-15 22:31:59下载
  • LinkNode
    这个是C++编译的单链表,其中包括多种链表操作,是很好的学习资料。(This is a C++ compiler single linked list, which includes a variety of linked list operations, is a good learning materials.)
    2012-09-24 17:22:21下载
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