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于 2009-04-07 发布 文件大小:135KB
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  参加运动会的 个学校编号为 。比赛分成 个男子项目和 个女子项目,项目编号分别为 和 。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;还有些项目只取前三名,得分顺序为5,3,2。写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表。 2、要求产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号、名次(成绩)、姓名和得分;产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号、男子团体总分、女子团体总分和团体总分。 3、测试数据:对于 , , ,编号为奇数的项目取前五名,编号为偶数的项目取前三名,设计一组实例数据。 (The school serial number participating in Games is. Competition divides into men s event and women s event , the project serial number parts for the sum. The difference is bigger since every project participates in a number , some projects choose the first five , score order is 7 , 5 , 3 , 2 , 1 Still have some of projects taking the first three places , score only being 5 , 3 , 2 in proper order. Write a form for report counting procedure producing the various school report card and score. 2, demands the school report card producing every school , content includes every achievement project number , position in a name list (achievement) , full name and score per got by school Produce the group total points form for report , content including the school number , male person group total points , woman group total points and group total points. 3, testing data: Be that the odd number project chooses the first five to the serial number, the serial number is that the even number project c)



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