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于 2008-11-22 发布 文件大小:3533KB
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说明:  地球 水星 月球 及其它行星 相互运动的3D图(Earth s moon and other planets Mercury mutual movement 3D map)



0 个回复

  • crank_rocker_force
    可以形象的看出图形的三维随距离的变化以及多方面的作用距离等一系列可视化应用(A series of visual applications can be visualized to see the three-dimensional changes of the graph with the distance and the distance of various aspects.)
    2018-03-29 18:20:47下载
  • polytransform
    实现一个心行图案的各种二维几何变换(包括同比变换,错切变换,平移变换、旋转变换等)(achieve a mind trip of two-dimensional pictorial geometry transformation (including an transform, shear transformation, translation transform, ROTATION))
    2006-11-16 11:33:47下载
  • fenlei
    机载激光雷达点云的阶层式分类(Airborne Lidar Point Cloud hierarchical classification)
    2021-01-24 20:58:38下载
  • Tyunnnanbaizzh
    这是关于云南白族村的vrml原码,如果看代码,,请用vrmlpad编辑器打开,如果预览请用bs. (This is on the Yunnan Bai village in the vrml the original code, if we look at the code, open with vrmlpad editor preview with bs.)
    2012-07-11 08:06:52下载
  • Simulation-of-polarized-light
    模拟偏振光在散射介质中的传播,利用3D给出很好的视觉效果(Simulation of polarized light propagation in scattering medium)
    2021-04-20 19:58:50下载
  • osgparticle
    osg粒子子系统例子,一个是简单的粒子系统,另一个是烟(the example of particle sysytem in OSG)
    2012-04-11 21:23:22下载
  • multi-csrbf-gui
    这是一个博士编写的关于RBF插值的三维重建的源程序,有需求的人赶紧下!(This is a prepared by Dr. RBF interpolation on the three-dimensional reconstruction of the source, there is a demand for people who hastened to the next!)
    2007-10-31 22:48:39下载
  • Ilib-1.1.8-min
    说明:  IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库 支持1,8,16,位有/无符号,32位有符号,32位浮点类型数据类型。 支持RGB,CMYK,YCACB,YUV,XYZ,色彩空间,支持alpha通道 支持矩形ROI,通道ROI,遮罩 支持分块图像,错误处理,用户定义函数 支持图像数学,几何,滤波,图象统计,色彩空间变换操作。(IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SSE, SSE2 and future technologies such as VLSW issued by the image processing support for 1, 8, 16, spaces with/without symbols, and symbols are 32, 32-bit floating-point type data types. Support for RGB, CMYK, YCACB, YUV, XYZ color space, support alpha channel support rectangular ROI, ROI access, support shielding block images, error handling, user-defined functions to support image mathematics, geometry, filtering, image statistics, color space conversion operations .)
    2006-03-09 10:18:14下载
  • code
    program to compute 2d-maxima for a set of xy points. The xy data points are generated using a random number generator. The command to run the program at DOS prompt is: - compute 2d-maxima for 500 xy points .2dmaxima 500
    2012-05-19 04:38:55下载
  • Direct3D9.Book
    详细的介绍Direct3D的编程过程,让你逐步成为3D开发高手(detailed account of the Direct3D programming process so that you gradually become a master 3D development)
    2007-04-17 13:14:29下载
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