openGl大作业,包含光源,移动物体,简易动画,纹理场,建筑等。(openGl large operations, including light, moving objects, simple animation, texture field, construction and so on.)
- 2020-09-13 13:47:58下载
- 积分:1
一个VRML的示例,通过鼠标点击可以使场景内的灯管发光(An example of a VRML through mouse clicks can make a scene inside the lamp light)
- 2013-12-25 21:05:40下载
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说明: 基于Direct3d的图形学入门代码,9个星球的自转公转,矩阵变换的运用基础(The use of graphics-based foundation Direct3d entry code, nine planets revolve rotation matrix transformation)
- 2014-12-24 20:17:48下载
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不是本人编的,转自csdndengpengyong,个人能力有限,望谅解。Tetgen是一个生成四面体网格的开源工具,本实例提供了从网上下载的开源的源码和一个简单的使用的示例,其中附带了Tetgen自带了的一个查看剖分出来的网格的工具TetView.exe,可以运行打开剖分出来的文件查看剖分的结果是否正确。(I was not prepared, carried csdndengpengyong, individual ability is limited, hope and understanding. Tetgen tetrahedral mesh generation is an open source tool, the examples provided from the Internet to download the open source code and a simple example of the use of which comes Tetgen comes out of a mesh grid view tool TetView . exe, you can run out of file viewing open split split the results are correct.)
- 2021-03-14 20:49:22下载
- 积分:1
网格简化程序基于3D三角网格简化,代码简单实用,而且非常有效的节省时间(meshsimplification is a C++ library and set of utilities for input, output, and basic manipulation of 3D triangle meshes. The goals of the code are ease of use and efficiency, possibly at the expense of some generality.)
- 2015-03-01 00:49:53下载
- 积分:1
VTK里面的对点云进行降采样的程序,可以直接使用。(VTK point cloud inside the down-sampling procedure can be used directly.)
- 2021-05-10 01:08:33下载
- 积分:1
3D8光立方,动画程序!可供下载,几十种动画!(3D8 cube, animation program!Available for download, dozens of animation!)
- 2020-12-25 23:19:04下载
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一个有趣的小游戏,基于GDI,CodeBlocks开发而成.(An interesting little game, based on GDI, CodeBlocks developed with.)
- 2010-02-24 09:49:27下载
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五轴NC代码模拟器,输入NC代码可以显示刀具路径和走刀过程。用VC++6.0 可以打开并编译(Five-axis NC code simulator, enter the NC code can display the process of tool path and tool path. With VC++6.0 can open and compile)
- 2020-09-10 05:58:01下载
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说明: 给出一些离散的点,根据最小二乘法求出拟合的直线。(If there are some discrete points, you can get a line based on least square method.)
- 2011-03-23 16:19:11下载
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