▍1. SARimage
保铮的最新雷达成像原理,对于学习SAR的同志帮助很大。(the latest radar imaging principle, the SAR study Comrade great help.)
保铮的最新雷达成像原理,对于学习SAR的同志帮助很大。(the latest radar imaging principle, the SAR study Comrade great help.)
可以隐藏信息和读取。用LSB算法的。代码长度不长。VC++环境下(to hide information and read. LSB algorithm used. Code length is not long. VC environment)
初始对准技术是惯性导航系统的关键技术之一,初始对准的快速性和精度直 接关系到捷联惯导系统的性能。论文以罗经对准方法在捷联惯导系统中的应用为 目的,深入地进行了理论、实验和应用研究。 理论上,由捷联式惯导系统误差模型开始,结合罗经对准原理,建立罗经对 准数学模型。在此基础上,设计算法和控制流程,并依据控制理论选择适当的控 制参数。 在理论分析之后,针对可能出现的多种外界条件进行模拟数据仿真实验验证 算法和参数选择的正确性。仿真实验结果表明:在SOOs内系统对准精度达到0.10 并目_适用十高纬度地区。 车载试验数据离线分析,试验中使用GPS测得的速度信息作为外测参考速 度信息,在车辆运动过程中对准系统保持工作状态。将导航解算得到的结果与 GPS测得的信息进行比较分析,导航精度与GPS精度相当,即速度精度0.2m/s 水平位置精度lOmo (StudyongyrocompassAlignmentforSINS)
OV7670数据手册OV7670数据手册OV7670数据手册(OV7670 datasheet OV7670 datasheet OV7670 Data Sheet)
计算海洋声学简正波计算软件pdf,Kraken,大海怪(Normal mode compute software pdf)
王锡凡先生写的现代电力系统分析,研究生教材(Modern Power System Analysis, Graduate Textbook by Mr. Wang Xifan)
说明: 王锡凡先生写的现代电力系统分析,研究生教材(Modern Power System Analysis, Graduate Textbook by Mr. Wang Xifan)
利用ansys进行球壳的建模,可以用来模拟液体储罐的大型工业结构的分析计算(Ansys modeled using a spherical shell, can be used to simulate large-scale industrial structure analysis and calculation of liquid storage tanks.)
说明: 包含内容:离散时间系统与Z变换、离散傅里叶变换及其快速算法、无限长单位脉冲响应(IIR)滤波器的设计、有限长单位脉冲响应(FIR)滤波器的设计、数字信号处理系统的实现、多采样率信号处理(singal processing and demo program)
运动控制系统,用于运动控制算法设计的基础书籍(Motion control system, a basic book for motion control algorithm design.)
介绍了Ip over SDH的基本知识和技术。(introduced Ip over SDH the basic knowledge and skills.)
交互式反编译工具ida pro 插件编写英文手册(Interactive decompile ida pro tools plug-in English-language manual)
ida的帮助文件,翻译成中文的,查函数很方便(ida' s help file, translated into Chinese, it is convenient search function)
西门子仿真编程软件S7-PLCSIM V5.4,用于S7-300/400系列PLC程序的仿真(S7-PLCSIM V5.4 offers the following new features with this release: DP, Industrial Ethernet and PC Internal connection types supported in addition to MPI Formerly, S7-PLCSIM used a default connection of MPI, address 2. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, you can browse STEP 7 projects and select a networked node for establishing a simulation connection. S7-PLCSIM simulates the CPU of the selected node, all nodes that belong to that CPU, and the subnet of the selected node. Increased number of blocks supported for simulation S7-PLCSIM supports a set of OBs, SFBs, and SFCs as described in the electronic manual and online help. Of these, some are NOPs that is, they do not perform any operation. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, the number of blocks that are not NOPs has increased.)
For olly ... for unpack exe protector
This is the perfect game company game PCK file to see the source code
华为校园招聘合集,各个岗位的的笔试题,非常有用(good book is good book)
板波资料和书,里面有瑞利波和lamb波的相关资料(Plate wave data and books)
立体视觉方面的介绍和推导PPT,有助于初学者理解掌握多视几何(Introduction and derivation of three-dimensional visual PPT, help beginners understand the multi view geometry)
该书是一本通信对抗专业的实用参考书。系统地介绍了现代抗干扰通信技术(主要是直接序列扩谱和跳频扩谱)和抗干扰通信的检测技术,讨论了每一种基本抗干扰信号类型的干扰技术,包括干扰直接序列扩谱信号、干扰快跳频扩谱信号、干扰慢跳频扩谱信号和干扰直接序列扩谱/跳频扩谱混合信号。该书的读者对象是电子战和通信对抗领域的工程师和科技工作者,也可供通信领域的科技工作者参考。(Content HighlightsAnti-Jam Communications and Electronic Countermeasures. Radio Frequency Propagation. Signaling for AJ Communications. Jamming Techniques. Anti-Jam Signal Detection. Jamming Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems. Jamming Fast Frequency Hopping Systems. Jamming Slow Frequency Hopping Systems. Jamming Hybrid Spread Spectrum Systems.)