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于 2009-07-27 发布 文件大小:1549KB
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说明:  MATLAB Toolbox for econometric modeling of time series. E4 makes up for the lack of PC software for estimating econometric models by exact maximum likelihood.



0 个回复

  • wangxiaoyun
    用于实现车道线识别探测的matlab程序,可达到良好的识别率(Lane Recognition for achieving detection matlab program, can achieve good recognition rate)
    2010-07-19 10:20:45下载
  • Chap_11
    西蒙赫金的《自适应滤波原理》一书的matlab程序,现在继续上传第四章的程序, 大家学习交流,觉得有用的自己下载,(西蒙赫gold Adaptive Filtering Theory matlab program book, and now continue to upload procedures of Chapter IV, we study the exchange of their own find useful downloads,)
    2008-04-15 12:12:09下载
  • attachments_2010_10_30
    This is a matlab code for filters.
    2010-11-12 09:41:26下载
  • 2
    说明:   有一个长度为整数L(1<=L<=10000)的马路,可以想象成数轴上长度为L的一个线段,起点是坐标原点,在每个整数坐标点有一棵树,即在0,1,2,...,L共L+1个位置上有L+1棵树。 现在要移走一些树,移走的树的区间用一对数字表示,如 100 200表示移走从100到200之间(包括端点)所有的树。 可能有M(1<=M<=100)个区间,区间之间可能有重叠。现在要求移走所有区间的树之后剩下的树的个数。 输入: 两个整数L(1<=L<=10000)和M(1<=M<=100)。 接下来有M组整数,每组有一对数字。 输出: 可能有多组输入数据,对于每组输入数据,输出一个数,表示移走所有区间的树之后剩下的树的个数。(Has a length of integer L (1 &lt = L &lt = 10000) of the road, one can imagine a number line segment of length L, the starting point is the coordinate origin, each integer coordinate points in a tree, i.e. 0,1 , 2, ..., L total has L+1 L+1 positions on the tree. Now to remove some trees, tree removed by a range of digitally represented, such as 100 200 represents removed (inclusive) between 100 and 200 all the trees. There may be M (1 &lt = M &lt = 100) intervals, there may be overlap between the intervals. Now, after the number of trees require the removal of all remaining sections of the tree. Input: two integer L (1 &lt = L &lt = 10000) and M (1 &lt = M &lt = 100). Then there is an integer M groups, each with a pair of numbers. Output: there may be multiple sets of input data, for each set of input data, the output of a number indicating the number of the removal of all remaining sections of the tree after tree.)
    2015-03-22 23:35:47下载
  • Doppler_shift
    说明:  计算多普勒频移,直接运行就好用,熟悉多普勒的原理(To calculate the Doppler frequency shift, direct operation is easy to use, familiar with the principle of Doppler)
    2020-01-03 21:18:42下载
  • hehanshu
    用于核函数的选择,也是基于最小二乘支持向量机预测问题的好帮手,希望能够搬到大家。(For the selection of kernel function, is also based on support vector machine prediction is a good helper, hoping to move to you.)
    2010-10-20 19:28:41下载
  • prim
    说明:  最小树算法中的prim算法,本例是通用源码(Minimum spanning tree algorithm prim algorithm, in this case is a universal source)
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  • ganshefanzhen
    利用matlab仿真雷达直射波与地面反射波干涉的雷达方向图。(仰角的大小对雷达作用距离的大小的影响)(Using matlab simulation radar direct wave direction of reflection wave interference with the ground radar chart. (the size of the size of the elevation of the radar range))
    2013-10-31 19:41:43下载
  • Monte_Carlo_Simulation
    Monte Carlo晶粒生长模拟matlab程序(Monte Carlo simulation of grain growth in matlab program)
    2012-04-15 16:09:56下载
  • 11
    说明:  由通用桥式电路模块组成的单相晶闸管组成的单相晶闸管整流电路(By the universal bridge circuit single phase thyristor modules consisting of single-phase thyristor rectifier circuit)
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