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于 2013-05-03 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  解调程序,用于动态信号分析学习,丁康老师的(Demodulation process for dynamic signal analysis study)



0 个回复

  • theuseofmatlabinthetimeseries
    介绍使用MATLAB软件对时间序列进行编程,里面有AR模型的建立方法(Describes the time series using MATLAB software programming, which has AR model method)
    2010-06-04 16:50:40下载
  • solvweight
    Solves weighted absolute orientation problem using Horn s quaternion-based method
    2010-10-11 06:59:04下载
  • intface
    fish语言建模,flac3的软件模型尺寸(fish language modeling, flac3 software model size)
    2014-12-21 10:03:38下载
  • com.yarin.android.FileManager.FileManager
    Simple FileManager for Andorid
    2015-04-13 11:20:32下载
  • Calculation of intensities and peak pressure
    超声换能器线性阵列声强和声压峰值计算案例(calculations of intensities and peak pressure of the linear arrays)
    2018-01-31 21:40:07下载
  • Edge-based-text-region-extraction-from-natural-im
    The basic steps of the edge-based text extraction algorithm are given below 1. Create a Gaussian pyramid by convolving the input image with a Gaussian kernel and successively down-sample each direction by half. (Levels: 4) 2. Create directional kernels to detect edges at 0, 45, 90 and 135 orientations. 3. Convolve each image in the Gaussian pyramid with each orientation filter. 4. Combine the results of step 3 to create the Feature Map. 5. Dilate the resultant image using a sufficiently large structuring element (7x7 [1]) to cluster candidate text regions together. 6. Create final output image with text in white pixels against a plain black background.
    2014-12-16 02:56:28下载
  • bracket
    bracket optimization method
    2013-12-01 04:00:10下载
  • BlindSignaSeparationalgorithm
    speech processing for signal seperation
    2010-09-06 02:42:13下载
  • fastICA
    基于负熵最大化的fastICA,matlab程序。程序中的公式在所附带的pdf文件中都高亮标明(Based on negative entropy maximization fastICA, matlab program. The formula in the program attached pdf file are highlighted marked)
    2013-10-29 19:24:49下载
  • lec5
    Li near r egr essi on, acti ve learning We arriv ed at the lo gistic regression model when trying to explicitly model the uncertainty about the lab els in a linear c la ss ifier. The same genera l modeling approach p e rmits us to use line ar predictio ns in var ious other co ntexts as well. The simplest of them is regress ion where the go al is to pr e dict a con tin uous resp onse y t ∈ R to e ach example ve ctor. Here to o fo cusing on linear predictions won’t b e inherently limiting as linear predictions can b e easily extended (ne xt lecture).
    2013-12-02 14:38:57下载
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