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于 2009-07-17 发布 文件大小:173KB
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  matlab详细手册,chm格式使用起来非常方便(matlab detailed manual, chm format is very convenient to use)



0 个回复

  • baground-subtraction-methods
    different methods of background subtraction
    2011-01-24 13:18:00下载
  • bernoise
    signal+noise is very simple like this
    2011-06-18 11:31:18下载
  • Fast-fourier-Transform
    to find the discrete fourier transform using the fast fourier algorithm, any sequence of lengths which are multiples of 2 simply append zeros to satisfy this requirement
    2013-12-04 00:13:33下载
  • 拉格朗日和牛顿迭代法处理数据
    说明:  matlab实现拉格朗日插值法和牛顿迭代法处理数据(Matlab implementation of Lagrange interpolation and Newton iterative method for data processing)
    2019-12-03 17:40:28下载
  • Hilbert-LPF
    说明:  本案例给出了振动信号的时域信号分析,fft分析,低通滤波分析和Hilbert包络分析代码,并将分析结果展现在一个图中进行对比。(This case gives the time domain signal analysis, FFT analysis, low-pass filter analysis and Hilbert envelope analysis code of vibration signal, and shows the analysis results in a figure for comparison.)
    2019-12-20 10:16:19下载
  • CH3
    L3_1.m: 純量量化器的設計(程式) L3_2.m: 量化造成的假輪廓(程式) L3_3.m: 向量量化器之碼簿的產生(程式) L3_4.m: 利用LBG訓練三個不同大小與維度的碼簿並分別進行VQ(程式) gau.m: ML量化器設計中分母的計算式(函式) gau1.m: ML量化器設計中分子的計算式(函式) LBG.m: LBG訓練法(函式) quantize.m:高斯機率密度函數的非均勻量化(函式) VQ.m: 向量量化(函式) L3_2.bmp: 影像檔 lena.mat: Matlab的矩陣變數檔 (L3_1.m: scalar quantizer design (the program) L3_2.m: quantitative result of the false contour (the program) L3_3.m: Vector quantizer code book of the generation (the program) L3_4.m: training in the use of LBG three different size and dimension of the code book and separate VQ (program) gau.m: ML quantizer design in the denominator of the calculation formula (function) gau1.m: ML quantizer design in the calculation of molecule-type ( function) LBG.m: LBG training method (function) quantize.m: Gaussian probability density function of the non-uniform quantization (function) VQ.m: vector quantization (function) L3_2.bmp: image file lena.mat: Matlab matrix variable file)
    2009-04-02 23:49:41下载
  • renal-artery-input-function
    Renal artery input function(AIF) fitting tool. It s used for mice Contrast-enhanced MR image.
    2011-07-20 17:23:50下载
  • ourdev_468573
    2009-12-23 13:14:30下载
  • To-the-force-plate-code
    此代码主要用于车牌定位一块,有兴趣得车友们可以供参考,不足还请海涵,谢谢一起探讨(This code is mainly used to locate a license plate, car lovers may be interested in for information, less than requested Haihan, thank you to explore)
    2011-04-22 11:10:29下载
  • Pmatlab2
    The altgoritm performs a reed solomon (7,3) encoding over a .txt file simulating the errors from the transmission path. The decoding procedure is also available and can aplied on the coded file in order to optain an aprroximation of the initial text.
    2013-02-09 03:03:55下载
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