L3_1.m: 純量量化器的設計(程式) L3_2.m: 量化造成的假輪廓(程式) L3_3.m: 向量量化器之碼簿的產生(程式) L3_4.m: 利用LBG訓練三個不同大小與維度的碼簿並分別進行VQ(程式) gau.m: ML量化器設計中分母的計算式(函式) gau1.m: ML量化器設計中分子的計算式(函式) LBG.m: LBG訓練法(函式) quantize.m:高斯機率密度函數的非均勻量化(函式) VQ.m: 向量量化(函式) L3_2.bmp: 影像檔 lena.mat: Matlab的矩陣變數檔 (L3_1.m: scalar quantizer design (the program) L3_2.m: quantitative result of the false contour (the program) L3_3.m: Vector quantizer code book of the generation (the program) L3_4.m: training in the use of LBG three different size and dimension of the code book and separate VQ (program) gau.m: ML quantizer design in the denominator of the calculation formula (function) gau1.m: ML quantizer design in the calculation of molecule-type ( function) LBG.m: LBG training method (function) quantize.m: Gaussian probability density function of the non-uniform quantization (function) VQ.m: vector quantization (function) L3_2.bmp: image file lena.mat: Matlab matrix variable file)