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于 2009-07-15 发布 文件大小:36KB
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  MDI 应用程序是另一类重要的文档视结构程序。它的特点是:用户一次可以打开多个文档,每个文档对应不同的窗口;主窗口的菜单会自动随着当前活动的子窗口的变化而变化;可以对子窗口进行层叠、平铺等各种操作;子窗口可以在MDI 主窗口区域内定位、改变大小、最大化和最小化,当最大化子窗口时,它将占满MDI 主窗口的全部客户区。MDI 不仅可以在同一时间内同时打开多个文档,还可以为同一文档打开多个视图。在Windows 菜单下选择New ,就为当前活动文档打开一个新的子窗口。 (MDI application is another important document, as the structure of the procedure. It is characterized by: a user can open multiple documents, each document corresponds to a different window main window menu automatically with the current activities of the sub-window changes can be stacked pair window, tile, etc. types of operation MDI child window in the main window positioning the region to change the size, to maximize and minimize, maximize the child window when it will occupy the entire main window MDI client area. MDI at the same time not only to open multiple documents at the same time, can also open multiple views of the same document. In the Windows menu select New, on the activities for the current document open a new sub-window.)



0 个回复

  • 浏览器
    制作了一个可以通过对话框输入地址的浏览器,如同IE一样,点击浏览按钮就可以浏览网页(produced a dialog can be imported through the browser address, as Internet Explorer, click on the Browse button can visit the website)
    2005-08-02 20:34:00下载
  • Aibembly
    C常用算法程序集 Xu Shiliang Chapter IV(C Common algorithm Assembly Xu Shiliang Chapter IV)
    2018-12-25 19:06:24下载
  • vista_controls
    模拟vista效果的一些控件,包括文件对话框·按钮等(Analog vista effect some control, including the file dialog buttons, etc.)
    2008-02-25 15:03:35下载
  • paixu_complete
    对话框 编辑框 单选 排序 冒泡法 希尔法 选择法 插入法(Dialog box Sort bubbling El Fasher)
    2013-04-02 17:33:24下载
  • Transparent-form
    透明窗体 C++编程 能够更加熟悉窗体的编程(Transparent form C++ programming to more familiar form of programming)
    2011-05-06 19:03:56下载
  • form
    能够根据pc端的屏幕分辨率自动调整窗体大小(According to pc side of the screen resolution automatically resizes the form)
    2013-06-04 12:49:02下载
  • fileDialog
    本程序的功能是实现用来选择和建立文件夹的对话框,可以方便地进行文件夹的选择和建立(this procedure is the function used to select folders and the establishment of the dialog box, can easily perform folder options and the establishment of)
    2007-03-08 10:41:37下载
  • 12_22
    窗口编程,里面有三分代码,详细的公司管理系统,数据库和MFC设计(is is goog very good)
    2011-12-27 20:42:53下载
  • Xtreme.ToolkitPro.v12.0.0
    Codejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, 当前最新版本,含全部源代码,以及103个例子工程,是VC界面开发的首选!其他就不多介绍了,干VC开发这一行的都知道其强大!!! 拜托管理员,我搞到这个不容易,上传这么大的文件更不容易,多给我一些点,上次我传XtremeToolkit1122近30M,结果我从网站只能下载几个代码!这次要多给一些(Codejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, the latest version of the current, including all source code, as well as 103 examples of the project is to develop the interface of choice for VC! Other not more than the introduction, dry VC to develop this line all know its strong! ! ! Please administrator, I get this is not easy to upload large files so more is not easy, give me some points, the last time I Chuan XtremeToolkit1122 near 30M, the results I can only download from the site of several code! The more to some)
    2020-06-26 02:40:02下载
  • 262RockDialog
    基于对话框编写的程序,可以实现窗口晃动的效果(Programs written based on the dialog box, window shaking)
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