首页 » Visual C++ » Xtreme.ToolkitPro.v12.0.0


于 2020-06-26 发布 文件大小:43957KB
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  Codejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, 当前最新版本,含全部源代码,以及103个例子工程,是VC界面开发的首选!其他就不多介绍了,干VC开发这一行的都知道其强大!!! 拜托管理员,我搞到这个不容易,上传这么大的文件更不容易,多给我一些点,上次我传XtremeToolkit1122近30M,结果我从网站只能下载几个代码!这次要多给一些(Codejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, the latest version of the current, including all source code, as well as 103 examples of the project is to develop the interface of choice for VC! Other not more than the introduction, dry VC to develop this line all know its strong! ! ! Please administrator, I get this is not easy to upload large files so more is not easy, give me some points, the last time I Chuan XtremeToolkit1122 near 30M, the results I can only download from the site of several code! The more to some)


Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0







0 个回复

  • asdf
    用以枚举出桌面上打开的窗口类型及标题名称。(Enumerate all Windows on the desktop class and header name )
    2013-10-02 10:11:02下载
  • ChangeSkin
    本程序提供两种界面换肤方式,文件夹中实现的是加载皮肤文件实现界面换肤(This program offers two kinds of interface ways, is to load the skin file folder in realizing interface change skin )
    2013-06-06 22:53:36下载
  • 009
    实现仿VC界面的程序,能实现文件目录的读读取,日历控件的添加选择,对CTreeCtrl类进行了重新封装(Realization of imitation VC interface procedures, can achieve read read file directory, select the calendar control to add the CTreeCtrl class has been re-packaged)
    2013-08-29 14:00:44下载
  • dynamic-windows-splitter
    动态切割窗口,对于界面编程具有一定的参考价值。(dynamic windows splitter!)
    2011-07-23 00:44:51下载
  • assess
    用MFC开发的一个综合测评自动计算软件,对于学习入门MFC有很好的引导作用。(MFC developed a comprehensive evaluation of automatic calculation software for the learning portal MFC good guide.)
    2012-08-29 00:05:54下载
  • MFCDialogDemo
    MFC dialog demo function:右键菜单、最小到任务栏、菜单栏等 need use VS2010 IDE(MFC dialog demo Function: right-click menu, minimum to the task bar, menu bar, etc Need use VS2010 IDE)
    2013-09-04 19:50:28下载
  • gridctrl_in_view
    在一view窗口内使用grid控件(Using grid control in a view window)
    2020-12-24 23:29:04下载
  • B48
    E:Visual_C__MFC扩展编程实例 实例48:清除消息 (E : Visual_C__MFC expand programming examples example 48 : Elimination of the news)
    2007-05-20 10:40:56下载
  • Data_Disp
    数据显示模块,实现数据在对话框中的显示功能。可以直接移植使用(The data display module, display data in the dialog box. Can be directly transplanted using)
    2013-03-21 21:27:18下载
  • FloatMenu
    VC++制作窗口内的浮动菜单和工具栏实例,像标准的窗口菜单和工具栏类似,只不过通过处理后,菜单和工具栏可以从主窗体中分享,浮动在屏幕的任意位置,可关闭浮动菜单和工具栏,像Office软件中,类似的菜单工具条随处可见,按住菜单头部的竖条即可把菜单从主窗口中分离。(Variation within the vc++ to make the window menu and toolbar example, as a standard window menus and toolbars are similar, only after processing, menus, and toolbars can share, from the main form of floating on any position of the screen, can be closed floating menus and toolbars, like Office software, similar to the menu bar can be seen everywhere, hold down the menu bar of the head to the menu from the main window. )
    2013-11-28 22:40:45下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载