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于 2010-03-05 发布 文件大小:5076KB
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  直流电机常用驱动电路,非常有用的电机驱动程序与电路,对于开发电机者非常有借鉴价值。(DC motor drive circuit used, very useful program with the motor drive circuits, motors for developers who are very reference value.)



0 个回复

  • Effective-and-More-Effective-CPP
    关于高效的C++编程的电子书,内容很详细,对于C++学习很有用。(About efficient C++ programming e-books, the content is very detailed, very useful for C++ learning.)
    2013-07-21 23:41:17下载
  • danpianjiwaiwenfanyi
    单片机的毕业论文的外文翻译,字数3000左右,希望对大家有所帮助。(SCM dissertation foreign language translation, 3000 words , we want to help everyone.)
    2010-03-11 21:03:56下载
  • S7-PLCSIMV5.4
    西门子仿真编程软件S7-PLCSIM V5.4,用于S7-300/400系列PLC程序的仿真(S7-PLCSIM V5.4 offers the following new features with this release: DP, Industrial Ethernet and PC Internal connection types supported in addition to MPI Formerly, S7-PLCSIM used a default connection of MPI, address 2. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, you can browse STEP 7 projects and select a networked node for establishing a simulation connection. S7-PLCSIM simulates the CPU of the selected node, all nodes that belong to that CPU, and the subnet of the selected node. Increased number of blocks supported for simulation S7-PLCSIM supports a set of OBs, SFBs, and SFCs as described in the electronic manual and online help. Of these, some are NOPs that is, they do not perform any operation. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, the number of blocks that are not NOPs has increased.)
    2020-06-25 23:40:01下载
  • 马尔可夫模型介绍
    说明:  马尔可夫模型,很详细的介绍,通俗易懂,适合初学者(Markov model, very detailed, easily understood, for beginners)
    2005-10-03 20:41:47下载
  • qkdmath
    book about quantum security and quantum technique , like bb84 and sarg04 and other protocols
    2013-02-08 02:16:10下载
  • Spherical-shell-model
    利用ansys进行球壳的建模,可以用来模拟液体储罐的大型工业结构的分析计算(Ansys modeled using a spherical shell, can be used to simulate large-scale industrial structure analysis and calculation of liquid storage tanks.)
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  • 83_REALTEK8019as
    83_REALTEK8019as 芯片资料(中文)(83_REALTEK8019as chip data (Chinese))
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  • shujukuxitgainian
    经典教材数据库系统概念,很多大学计算机系的研究生课程用书 (Classical concept of teaching materials database system, many university computer science graduate course books)
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  • CPPlearn
    C++全套学习课件-PPT格式,适合于C++初学者学习使用(C++ a full learning courseware-PPT format, suitable for beginners learning to use C++)
    2016-09-02 22:25:19下载
  • IDA-plugin-wirting(all-chapter)
    交互式反编译工具ida pro 插件编写英文手册(Interactive decompile ida pro tools plug-in English-language manual)
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