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于 2009-07-01 发布 文件大小:8433KB
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  本文基于大型通用有限元软件ANSYS和MATLAB,探索三维实体模型下进行PC桥梁结构整体仿真分析的途径,研究其关键理论及专业模块开发技术。重点研究了预应力筋的模拟、预应力效应的等效转换和桥梁截面切片技术。研究成果可广泛应用于PC桥梁的三维仿真领域,具有较大的理论意义和工程实用价值。对写这方面研究很有帮助(Based on large-scale general-purpose finite element software ANSYS and MATLAB, explore the three-dimensional solid model of the bridge structure under the PC way to the overall simulation analysis to study the key theoretical and professional development of technology modules. Focused on the tendons of the simulation, the equivalent effect of prestressed bridge conversion and cross-section slicing. Research results can be widely used in PC bridges the field of three-dimensional simulation with the larger theoretical and practical engineering value. Research in this area to write very helpful)



0 个回复

  • bumeixia20100203
    说明:  通过此程序实现对微装配的调用微动平台的实现(Achieve through this process called micro-assembly platform for the realization of micro-)
    2010-04-08 21:49:04下载
  • gui
    matlab中使用GUI编写的一个数值插值运算来拟合需要的曲线(matlab GUI written in a numerical interpolation to fit the curve of the need )
    2012-02-11 20:23:50下载
  • Matlab
    有关Matlab的一些关于计算性问题的源程序代码,做课程设计时用到的,有一定的实用价值 (For Matlab source code on computational problems, to do curriculum design used.)
    2012-06-06 21:56:45下载
  • robot1
    自己写的一个机器人matlab仿真程序。程序实现了六自由度旋转关节机器人的运动学、动力学仿真和轨迹规划。机器人初始关节变量以xls文件形式导入程序中,也可在程序中拖动滑块修改。(robot simulate by matlab , kinematic & dynamics&trajectory.)
    2012-11-30 09:46:54下载
  • wavelet
    小波图像分解与合成(详细).在matlab环境中实现。(Wavelet image decomposition and composition (detailed). In the matlab environment to achieve.)
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  • duilie
    循环双端队列的元素插入,删除,以及输入输出(Double-ended queue, circular element insertion, deletion, and the input-output)
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  • clamav-bytecode-compiler-master
    camlav下载,欢迎研究杀毒人士下载,里面有代码的所有内容(calav,welcome to download the code)
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  • bishe
    说明:  永磁同步电机的直接转矩控制算法设计 matlab的仿真(PMSM DTC)
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  • VCandMatlab
    许多工程软件需要用到复杂的数学算法。VC++能够形成各种用户界面, 并可以直接与系统及底层硬件交换数据。因此研究VC++和Matlab 的混合编程具有很大的实际意义。该文讨论了如何使用Matlab 的Complier 将*.m函数编译为动态链接库DLL, 提供给VC++调用的方法, 提供了一种VC++与Matlab 混合编程的快速实现。(Many engineering software need to use complex mathematical algorithms. VC++ can form a variety of user interface, and can directly exchange data systems and the underlying hardware. Therefore, VC++ and Matlab of mixed programming of great practical significance. The article discusses how to use Matlab' s Complier to*. m functions compiled as dynamic link library DLL, VC++ provided to the invoked method, provides a mixed VC++ and Matlab programming fast implementation.)
    2010-06-06 15:59:47下载
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    经典子空间算法的完整实现,噪声消除效果比较好(an approach of speech enhancement algorithm)
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