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于 2010-12-24 发布 文件大小:174KB
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  多项式相加的数据结构试验·············(Polynomial sum test data structure)



0 个回复

  • hamidunp2Boulatu
    关于中国邮递员的解决办法,个人觉得还不错的说(Chinese postman)
    2012-06-10 17:28:15下载
  • Huffman-Tree
    使用三叉链表实现的哈夫曼树,统计inputfile1.txt中各字符的出现频率,并据此构造Huffman树,编制Huffman 码;根据已经得到的编码,对01形式的编码段进行译码。 具体的要求: 1.将给定字符文件编码,生成编码,输出每个字符出现的次数和编码; 2.将给定编码文件译码,生成字符,输出编码及其对应字符。 (Emergence of the frequency of each character in the trigeminal lists using the Huffman tree, statistics inputfile1.txt, and accordingly the Huffman tree structure, preparation of Huffman code according to the coding has been. 01 to form the code segment for decoding. Specific requirements: 1 coding the given character file, generating the encoding, and outputting the number and encoding of each character 2 will be given the encoding file decoding, generating the character, the output code and its corresponding character.)
    2015-05-22 15:37:03下载
  • 851DataStructure2009
    江苏大学数据结构研究生试题2009Jiangsu University graduate examination papers(Jiangsu University graduate examination papers)
    2011-09-25 11:51:05下载
  • HuffmanTree
    用c++实现的haffman tree 小程序,仅供参考 。 (The the haffman tree applet realized with c++ for reference only.)
    2013-03-14 16:38:15下载
  • bstree_frame
    利用二叉平衡树进行数据排序。这里采用的数据结构是指针。(The use of balanced binary tree sort the data. The data structure used here is a pointer.)
    2013-08-10 16:43:50下载
  • 04huffman_a
    根据最常用的链表法进行huffman编码,可以手工预制权重,例如n=8的时候即可以在文件中写入,输出相应的编码结果(According to the most commonly used method of Chain Huffman coding, manual can be prefabricated weight, For example, n = 8 when it is written in the document, the output corresponding to the coding results)
    2007-05-29 19:15:26下载
  • jose
    约瑟夫环(约瑟夫问题)是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围。从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列。通常解决这类问题时我们把编号从0~n-1,最后结果+1即为原问题的解。 (Josephus (Josephus problem) is the application of a mathematical problem: Given n individuals (with numbers 1,2,3 ... n respectively) sitting around a round table. From the number of people gettin k, number of the m man out of the line he s the next person and a number of gettin number to m the man was out of the line and so the law is repeated until the round table were all out of the column. We numbered 0 ~ n-1, the final result is the original problem solution+1 usually solve these problems.)
    2015-01-09 17:28:41下载
  • InverseList
    说明:  链表逆转,实现单链表的逆转程序,数据结构(List Inverse)
    2011-04-04 11:15:58下载
  • Huffman
    数据结构,利用霍夫曼树实现文本数据的压缩。(Huffman data compression and decompression.)
    2014-01-28 18:25:24下载
  • 最短路径c++语言
    说明:  用从c++写的floyd最短路径算法,可以求邻接矩阵任意两点的最短路径。(from using c++ to write the Floyd shortest path algorithm, can help adjacency matrix arbitrary 2:00 Shortest Path.)
    2020-09-20 14:07:55下载
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