实现经典问题老鼠迷宫,并用坐标将路径显示出来(Achieve classic problem rat maze, and coordinate with the path displayed)
- 2016-05-25 22:56:59下载
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迷宫问题c源代码,大小为8*8的迷宫。主函数中输入开始位置和结束位置的坐标,输出所有可能的路径(Maze c source code, size 8* 8 of the maze. Enter the start the main function of the coordinates of the position and end position, the output of all possible paths)
- 2010-12-19 23:31:36下载
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说明: 定义一个类SortArray继承自MyArray,在该类中定义函数sort实现排序功能。
(Define a class SortArray inherited from MyArray, defined in the class sorting function sort implementation. Define a class ReArray inherited from MyArray, define the function in reverse to achieve such reversal function. Define a class AverArray inherited from MyArray, defined in the class to solve integer function Aver achieve the average. Defined NewArray class, and inherits SortArray, ReArray and AverArray, making the object of both NewArray class sorting, reversing, and the mean value of the function. In the process of succession declared as virtual base classes, virtual base class experience in resolving ambiguities of the role.)
- 2010-06-02 02:13:03下载
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希尔排序(Shell Sort)是插入排序的一种。是针对直接插入排序算法的改进(双语对照查看希尔排序(Shell Sort)是插入排序的一种。是针对直接插入排序算法的改进。
Hill sorting (Shell Sort) is a kind of insertion sort. Is to improve the direct insertion sort algorithm.
- 2013-07-18 15:11:39下载
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该文件描述了排序算法的实验指导报告,通过本实验,你可以了解插入排序、选择排序、希尔排序、堆排序、冒泡、双向冒泡、快速排序、归并排序、递归的归并排序、基数排序等多种排序方法的实验(The document describes the experimental guidance of the sorting algorithm, through this experiment, you can learn about the insertion sort, selection sort, shell sort, heap sort, bubble, two-way bubble, quick sort, merge sort, merge sort recursive basesorting a variety of sorting methods experiment
- 2012-06-08 11:28:55下载
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大二时做的一个数据结构的课程设计,用2-3树实现的图书馆管理系统,只是控制台程序,没有很好的图形界面。包括管理员、读者。管理员功能有:采编入库、查看图书、查看读者、删除读者。读者功能有:借书、还书、预约、查找等等。。功能全面。包括注册账号,登录需要账号密码。(Sophomore to do a data structure of the curriculum design, with 2-3 tree implementation of library management system, but the console program, not a good graphical interface. Including administrators, readers. Administrator functions include: editing storage, check books, check readers, delete readers. Reader functions: library, book, booking, search and so on. . Full-featured. Including the registration account, login account password required. )
- 2020-10-28 01:10:00下载
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数值计算方法中高斯主元素消元法 在vc环境中运行 用于解方程组(Numerical methods in the Gaussian elimination method, the main elements of the environment in vc run for the solution of equations)
- 2011-10-19 20:28:39下载
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本书是《程序员面试宝典》的第三版,在保留第二版的数据结构、面向对象、程序设计等主干的基础上,使用各大IT公司及相关企业最新面试题替换和补充原内容,以反映自第一版以来近几年时间所发生的变化。 欧立奇、刘洋、段韬编著的《程序员面试宝典》取材于各大公司面试真题(笔试、口试、电话面试、英语面试,以及逻辑测试和智商测试),详细分析了应聘程序员(含网络、测试等)职位的常见考点。本书不仅对传统的C系语言考点做了详尽解说,还根据外企出题最新特点,新增加了对友元、Static、图形/音频、树、栈、ERP等问题的深入讲解。最后本书着力讲述了如何进行英语面试和电话面试,并对求职中签约、毁约的注意事项及群体面试进行了解析。本书的面试题除了有详细解析和答案外,对相关知识点还有扩展说明。真正做到了由点成线,举一反三,对读者从求职就业到提升计算机专业知识都有显著帮助。 《程序员面试宝典》适合计算机相关专业应届毕业生阅读,也适合作为正在应聘软件行业的相关就业人员和计算机爱好者的参考书。(This book is the" canon" in the third edition, retained in the second version of the data structure, object-oriented program design, main basis, the use of each big IT companies and related enterprises to the latest interview questions substitution and supplement the original content, in order to reflect the since its first edition in recent years since time changes. Ou Liqi, Liu Yang, Duan Tao," canon" drawn from major companies interview questions ( written examination, interview, telephone interview, interview, and logical test and IQ test ), a detailed analysis of the application programmer (including network, testing ) positions of the common points. This book not only to the traditional C language test done a detailed explanation, according to the new characteristics of the new foreign title, added to the friend, Static, graphics/audio, tree, stack, ERP issues in depth explanation. The last book on described how the English interview and telephone interview, and the job of signin)
- 2012-03-21 11:28:19下载
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经典数据结构作业,黑杰克游戏。要求程序可以连续打10次,每场比赛的赢家,赢得一个点(两点一倍)。在结束的10场比赛为你和电脑打印出的总奖金。(Write a program that simulates a simplified version of the game "BlackJack". A deck of cards numbered 2 to 10, jacks, queens, kings, and aces is used, where jacks, queens and kings are counted as 10s, and aces are either 1 or 11 at your choice. )
- 2012-12-08 11:46:33下载
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顺序查找和时间 清华大学出版社 《数据结构 c++》 (search in order)
- 2011-02-05 21:56:14下载
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