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于 2008-06-04 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  OFDM仿真源代码,带有详细注释,学习OFDM的初学者很好的入门指引。(OFDM simulation source code, with detailed notes, good for beginners to learn OFDM-entry guidelines.)



0 个回复

  • laplican
    一种拉普拉斯边缘算法的提取的源码,大家可以看看哈(A Laplacian edge of the source extraction algorithm, we will look at Kazakhstan)
    2008-03-30 18:08:51下载
  • test3
    (1) 使用所学过的组件设计一友好的登记表, 设计方式可以Applet 或Application。 (2) 该表可以为学生入学登记表或邮件用户登记表。 (3) 要求将所学过的所有组件在表中体现,并通过事件处理对组件进行相关操作。 (4) 表中的输入信息要求存放于一文本文件中。 (5) 通过数据输出的方式,将文本中的输入信息读出后显示到屏幕上。 ((1) use the learned component to design a friendly registration form, design ways to Applet or Application. (2) The enrollment form for registration form or mail the user registration form. (3) requiring that all of the components studied reflected in the table and, through the event handling of the components related to operation. (4), enter the information requirements in the table stored in a text file. (5) The data output by the way, the text in the input information read out after the show to the screen.)
    2009-12-10 19:33:51下载
  • DiverMIMO
    tai lieu ve multiple input and multiple output
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  • about-duffing
    说明:  实现duffing方程的绘图,为工程上观察duffing混沌现象给出一个仿真的方法 (give a way to drew the picture of duffing)
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  • tishengxiaobo
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  • ImageZoom
    simple C# application to zoom image!!
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  • ofdm
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    MATLAB function which creates a black and white version of a grayscale image by specifying a single threshold value pixels below this value become black, and above this value they are white. Usage:
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  • neimo
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