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于 2010-12-06 发布 文件大小:2838KB
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  matlab and simulink. this book book is primarily intended for first semester engineering students who are looking for an introduction to the MATLAB and Simulink environment oriented toward the knowledge and requirements of beginning students. Thus, only a few basic ideas from mathematics, in particular ordinary differential equations, programming, and physics are required to understand the contents of this book. This knowledge is usually acquired in the first two or three semesters of a technical engineering degree program. Under these conditions, this book should also be of interest for practicing engineers who are looking for a brief introduction to MATLAB and Simulink. In the case of this book, engineers will have the knowledge required to understand it years after they have finished their studies.



0 个回复

  • houghcircle
    This code is to implement hough transform. used in edge linking
    2011-01-27 00:27:52下载
  • Analysis-of-truss-structures
    丁星版《MATLAB杆系结构分析》内容全面详尽,涉及了平面刚架及空间刚架的静力分析和动力分析。随书光盘中附有书中涉及的所有Matlab源程序和例题。本代码为光盘源码。(D Star Edition "MATLAB analysis of truss structures" comprehensive and detailed, involving a plane frame and space frame analysis of the static and dynamic analysis. CD-ROM with the book to all involved with the book and Matlab source code examples. The source code for the disc. )
    2011-05-14 12:54:25下载
  • bb
    说明:  四轮驱动电动汽车动力学理论与控制研究,电控方面很好的论文(Theory of four-wheel drive electric vehicle dynamics and control)
    2012-04-18 23:36:53下载
  • adaptive_line_enhancer
    现代数字信号处理,自适应谱线增强,求解自相关函数,输入输出信号作比较。(Modern digital signal processing, adaptive line enhancement, solving autocorrelation function, input and output signals for comparison.)
    2013-11-17 09:43:05下载
  • FFT-example
    用快速傅立葉轉換來求出訊號頻譜的練習過程,並舉一個實例:用FFT來算方形孔徑的遠場繞射(Exercises of the signal spectrum is obtained using a fast Fourier transform FFT to count the the square aperture far-field diffraction)
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  • steepest_descent_method
    采用最速下降法查找最小值,采用H终止准则,计算时间很快,很适合初学者使用(Steepest descent method using the minimum search using H termination criteria, the computation time soon, it is suitable for beginners to use)
    2009-03-27 13:14:07下载
  • VC-calling-Matlab-Simulation-Demonstration
    主要介绍VC++调用Matlab实现信号仿真与演示(Introduces the realization of VC++ calling Matlab Signal Simulation and Demonstration)
    2010-11-04 15:42:57下载
  • statistical-words-and-sentences
    用于统计单词和句子数量,采用MATLAB编程(For the number of statistical words and sentences)
    2012-05-18 22:18:33下载
  • NewtonRaphson_0.5
    matlab code for Newton-Raphson solver
    2015-02-03 15:54:26下载
  • LMF-ambg
    LMF波形的模糊函数,用matlab编写。(LMF waveform ambiguity function, written with matlab.)
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