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于 2010-11-25 发布 文件大小:3186KB
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  功能简介:用户管理:添加用户,修改密码,注销用户 图书管理:增加图书,修改图书,删除图书,查询图书 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 (Features: User management: add users, change passwords, log off the user library management: increasing Books, modify books, remove the books, check books library card management: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return query : to borrow books, return books, check library card to borrow and return management of the situation: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return the query: to borrow books and return books to borrow and return the case query)



0 个回复

  • delphi--111
    delphi住宿餐饮管理系统开发实例导航 delphi住宿餐饮管理系统开发实例导航 delphi住宿餐饮管理系统开发实例导航 delphi住宿餐饮管理系统开发实例导航 delphi住宿餐饮管理系统开发实例导航 delphi住宿餐饮管理系统开发实例导航 (delphi examples of accommodation and catering Management System navigation delphi examples of accommodation and catering Management System navigation delphi examples of accommodation and catering Management System navigation delphi examples of accommodation and catering Management System navigation delphi examples of accommodation and catering Management System navigation delphi examples of accommodation and catering Management System navigation)
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    delphi 入门帮助文件。 比较有用(Getting Started delphi help file. Useful)
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