功能简介:用户管理:添加用户,修改密码,注销用户 图书管理:增加图书,修改图书,删除图书,查询图书 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 借书证管理:办理借书证,修改借书证,挂失借书证,查询借书证 借阅与归还:借阅图书,归还图书,查询借阅与归还情况 (Features: User management: add users, change passwords, log off the user library management: increasing Books, modify books, remove the books, check books library card management: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return query : to borrow books, return books, check library card to borrow and return management of the situation: for a library card, library card changes, report the loss of library card, library card to borrow and return the query: to borrow books and return books to borrow and return the case query)