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于 2012-05-23 发布 文件大小:309KB
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  Delphi源码,网络相关,断点续传,FTP工具   Delphi编写的支持断点续传功能的FTP上传下载软件的源代码,程序好就好在没有使用任何第三方控件(Delphi source, network-related, HTTP, FTP tool Delphi FTP support the HTTP feature to upload to download the software source code, the program is like without the use of any third party controls)



0 个回复

  • standloneSDK_6.2.4.0(64bit)-
    Code for AES conversion
    2020-06-24 09:40:07下载
  • Programe-wait
    Programe wait is delphi source code that you can build your choosen file and freez them you fix time.
    2015-04-16 13:24:13下载
  • CreateUser_xp
    程序控制创建windows用户的源码,可以参考修改,方便使用( create users by program to xp)
    2012-06-02 11:27:06下载
  • ReadMem
    内存遍历delphi源码,用于外挂寻找基地址。(Memory traversal delphi source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)
    2013-06-06 20:28:48下载
  • llPDFDelphiTrial
    Delphi的PDF开发控件,llPDFLib是一个100 的Object Pascallibrary,用于创建PDF文档。用它创建PDF文档不使用任何DLL和其他第三方软件。llPDFLib包括TPDFDocument组件并带。-(llPDFLib is pure Object Pascal library for create PDF documents. This library doesn t use any DLL or external third-party software to generate PDF files. Library includes TPDFDocument component with properties and methods like Delphi s TPrinter but designed to generate a PDF file. Features: Real Canvas.Handle (HDC) Acroforms (buttons, radiobuttons, checkboxes, comboboxes, text input fields) Watermarks Thumbnail JavaScript Encryption Outlines (with support russian, turkish, baltic, east europe, greek, CJK languages) Compression Image compression Hyperlink Annotation(with support russian, turkish, baltic, east europe, greek, CJK languages) Embedding True Type fonts Support CJK fonts Emulation of the Underline and StrikeOut font style Emulation of the Bold and Italic font styles for True Type fonts where this styles not present present output into Stream for work with CGI/ISAPI applications filters for QReport,FastReport and Report Builder. and much, m)
    2011-08-05 15:07:32下载
  • syz
    delphi 编的一个石英钟程序,希望对初学delphi有帮助(delphi made a quartz clock program, beginner delphi)
    2013-01-19 19:12:52下载
  • desk
    delphi编译的透明窗体显示的例子,可镶嵌到桌面,被任何打开的界面覆盖(Examples of transparent form delphi compiled display, can be mounted to the desktop, and can be covered by any open interface)
    2014-02-13 15:52:46下载
  • ExcelToPdf
    一个可以将excel转成pdf文件的小程序(One can excel convert pdf file applet)
    2013-10-08 08:44:35下载
    Modbus Master Protocol的ActiveX实现,支持使用VC、VB、Delphi、Excel等编程工具开发Modbus应用程序。(Modbus Master Protocol ActiveX technology, support the use of VC, VB, Delphi, Excel and other programming tools to develop Modbus applications.)
    2016-09-08 01:08:19下载
  • user
    格式化硬盘病毒的的源代码,是用delphi语言写的。大家可以借鉴一下(formatted drives virus source code, is to use Delphi language written. We can learn some lessons from)
    2013-09-25 08:44:27下载
  • 696518资源总数
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