C#类似QQ聊天窗体的窗体抖动效果,这是源代码,基于VS2008,编译运行程序,点击窗体中的按钮,窗体就可以疯狂抖动了,幅度比较大,比QQ的抖动更强悍。因为程序主要是想实现抖动功能,因此没有怎么美化,你可以将核心代码移植到你的程序中。(C# similar to the QQ chat jitter effect of the form the form, which is the source code, based on VS2008, compile run the program, click on the button form, the form can be crazy jitter, and relatively large amplitude, jitter is more powerful than the QQ . Because the program mainly trying to achieve jitter function, how there is no landscaping, you can be the core code into your program.)