首页 » Unix_Linux » RFC930


于 2005-04-12 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  中文RFC文档,不用翻译,对大家学习很有帮助!(Chinese RFC documents, without translation, the right to study very helpful!)



0 个回复

  • introductionToTelephonesAndTelephoneSystems
    Provides telephone system managers, telecommunications sales professionals, and students with nontechnical, easy-to-understand explanations of the major aspects of today s telecommunications systems. DLC: Telephone.
    2012-02-08 16:47:31下载
  • Filterbankbasedblindsignaseparationwithestimatedso
    采用滤波器组,将盲分离与声源定位结合在一起。滤波器组中分别进行子带处理,并且在每个子带中进行声源定位,最后综合所有子带估计的方向得到多个声源的方位信息,同时将声源信息作为ICA分析的约束条件,可以在色噪声及多得到更好的盲分离效果。其优势在于用滤波器组进行多次的估计声源方向,再加以合适的权值均衡后即可得到更优的估计。(The use of filters will be blind source separation and sound localization together. Filter group were sub-band treatment, and in each sub-band in Sound Source Localization, and finally all the sub-band is estimated to be more than the direction of sound source location information, as well as sound source information as ICA analysis of the binding conditions, colored noise can be better and many of the blind source separation effect. Its advantage lies in a number of filter banks with estimated sound source direction, coupled with an appropriate balance weights can be obtained after the better estimate.)
    2009-03-06 09:24:04下载
  • Study-on-the-Control-Scheme
    恒频恒压(CVCF)逆变电源的输出电压波形质量是衡量其性能的重要指标之一。文章采用一种重复控制和双闭环控制相结合的电压波形控制策略,以重复控制器提高逆变电源输出电压的稳态精度,减小总谐波畸变率;以双闭环控制器达到较快的动态响应速度。该方案在一台采用TMS320F240 DSP控制芯片的50 Hz三相PWM逆变器上得到验证。(Constant voltage constant frequency (CVCF) Inverter output voltage waveform quality is an important measure of its performance indicators. Paper using a repetitive control and the combination of double closed loop control voltage waveform control strategy to improve the repetitive controller output voltage inverter steady-state accuracy and reduce total harmonic distortion to achieve a faster dual-loop controller dynamic response speed. The program uses TMS320F240 DSP in a 50 Hz phase control chip PWM inverter has been to verify.)
    2011-05-17 11:02:50下载
  • HART
    HART协议解析,非常完整,定能加快研发进度。(HART agreements, some of the information, in the hope that everyone has to help)
    2020-12-15 17:49:13下载
  • ex516
    gardner位同步算法,实现数字通信系统中位同步(gardner bit synchronization algorithm to achieve bit synchronization in a digital communication system)
    2017-04-13 19:53:32下载
  • setup-readme
    VISUALB BASIC 制作安装程序 ,更明白,更好用(Setup VISUALB BASIC produced a better understanding and better use)
    2009-06-29 22:49:42下载
  • 802[1].3afPandPP802.3at-2009
    802.3af/at标准,POE 供电协议(standard of 802.3af/at)
    2011-05-28 10:26:46下载
  • 一种QPSK全数字化载波频偏估计算法
    信号利用QPSK调制,采用全数字化的频偏估计方法(A full digital frequency offset estimation method using QPSK modulation)
    2020-12-29 11:29:01下载
  • gprs fundamental
    GPRS fundamental review
    2018-01-16 13:30:00下载
  • Smoothing-Filter-based-Intensity-Modulation-a-spe
    Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation a spectral preserve
    2012-06-01 09:06:32下载
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