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于 2012-02-08 发布 文件大小:1822KB
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  Provides telephone system managers, telecommunications sales professionals, and students with nontechnical, easy-to-understand explanations of the major aspects of today s telecommunications systems. DLC: Telephone.



0 个回复

  • Satellite-Communications-Research-Trends-and-Open
    the satellite communication this paper introduced
    2012-12-18 07:15:33下载
  • antenna-principle
    关于天线原理的PPT。等同于教科书。很全。(PPT of antenna principle.Can be used as teaching book. A complete one.)
    2012-10-29 01:32:50下载
  • cat2013-Prospectus--cusat
    see the attachments- cusat
    2013-09-18 00:05:22下载
  • 05441004
    Multiple input multiple output techniques combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) provide a promising approach for wireless systems. However, a serious drawback of the OFDM system is the high peak-toaverage power ratio (PAPR), which may severely affect the power efficiency of RF power amplifiers. In this paper, we propose a simple method to reduce the PAPR of MIMO-OFDM signals based on the use of unused subcarriers. Instead of processing the signals at each transmitter separately, a peak cancelling signal is generated at one antenna and is then applied to all the others with only simple modifications. Simulation has shown that a minimum 2 dB reduction in PAPR can be achieved for all transmit signals using this approach. As the signal processing is nearly all done at a single transmitter, repetition of the operations at each transmitter is avoided, and therefore the overall cost of the system can be significantly reduced.
    2011-11-05 01:46:42下载
  • 热分析实例,包含结构,动力学等的实例
    热分析实例,包含结构,动力学等的实例,帮你了解ansys的运用(Thermal analysis as an example, structure, dynamics, etc., to help you understand the use of ansys)
    2013-07-05 23:47:13下载
  • paper_2
    Design of Low Complexity OFDM Schemes and Position Location Algorithm for ... By Syed Faisal Ali Shah PrecodING OFDM System THESIS Go
    2017-02-13 03:25:24下载
  • frequency_estimation
    QPSK开环载波同步技术研究 频偏估计算法(Open-loop carrier synchronization QPSK Research Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm)
    2020-12-11 19:59:18下载
  • TD_DCA
    基于matlab的TD-SCDMA动态信道分配(Matlab-based TD-SCDMA, dynamic channel allocation)
    2009-11-01 15:22:32下载
  • Modbus_Protocol-RTU_C51_Program
    Modbus协议及Modbus RTU的C51编程(Modbus RTU Modbus protocol and the C51 programming)
    2011-08-23 17:20:33下载
  • 一种基于高阶累积量的数字调相信号识别方法
    对当前通信信号中常用的数字调相信号BPSK、QPSK、1/4一QPSK、8PSK的调制识别问题,提出了一种基于信号差分高阶累积量的识剐算法。该算法分两个层次进行调制识别,首先利用信号的四阶累积量特征对BPSK、QPSK和{1/4一QPSK、8PSK}信号进行识别,然后再利用信号差分的四阶和八阶累积量特征对1/4-QPSK、8PSK信号进行识别。从理论上分析了的该算法的有效性,并通过计算机仿真验证了算法具有良好的性能。(A recognition algorithm based on differential high-order cumulant is proposed for the modulation recognition problems of BPSK, QPSK, 1/4-QPSK and 8PSK, which are commonly used in current communication signals. The algorithm is divided into two levels for modulation recognition. Firstly, BPSK, QPSK and {1/4-QPSK, 8PSK} signals are identified by using the fourth-order cumulant characteristics of signals, and then 1/4-QPSK and 8PSK signals are identified by using the fourth-order cumulant and eighth-order cumulant characteristics of signal difference. The validity of the algorithm is analyzed theoretically, and the good performance of the algorithm is verified by computer simulation.)
    2020-06-21 09:40:02下载
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