Paper: 《SCAN: A Structural Clustering Algorithm for Networks》 Auther: Xiaowei Xu, Nurcan Yuruk, Zhidan Feng, Thomas A. J. Schweiger Conference: SIGKDD 2007
- 2022-11-23 06:50:03下载
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说明: 简单的LSTM进行预测,附带数据集方便测试(simple test of LSTM is used for prediction , and related datasets is attached in the file.)
- 2020-08-30 16:28:10下载
- 积分:1
说明: KNN的四种实现代码与数据,可直接运行....(code and data of knn algorithm , can be run directly)
- 2020-09-27 17:18:06下载
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Python PLS算法的实现并调用
说明: 偏最小二乘法是一种新型的多元统计数据分析方法,于1983年由S.Wold和C.Albano等人首次提出。偏最小二乘法实现了,在一个算法下,可以同时实现回归建模(多元线性回归)、数据结构简化(主成分分析)以及两组变量之间的相关性分析(典型相关分析)。
PLS方法,通过将自变量和因变量的高维数据空间投影到相应的低维空间,分别得到自变量和因变量的相互正交的特征向量,再建立自变量和因变量的特征向量间的一元线性回归关系。不仅可以克服共线性问题,它在选取特征向量时强调自变量对因变量的解释和预测作用,去除了对回归无益噪声的影响,使模型包含最少的变量数。(Partial least square method is a new multivariate statistical data analysis method, which was first proposed by S. wold and C. Albano in 1983. Partial least square method can realize regression modeling (multiple linear regression), data structure simplification (principal component analysis) and correlation analysis (typical correlation analysis) between two groups of variables.)
- 2020-04-24 15:43:35下载
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说明: dc motor contro using python and c__
- 2020-09-17 09:30:58下载
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说明: PFLD的python实现,用于人脸的关键点检测(Python implementation of PFLD for key point detection of human face)
- 2020-01-08 09:27:08下载
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使用Python实现MOEA/D,对于分解部分可以更换其他分解函数;对于基因重组部分可以更换其他交叉变异算子(Using Python to implement MOEA/D, other decomposition functions can be replaced for the decomposition part, and other crossover mutation operators can be replaced for the gene recombination part.)
- 2020-11-25 14:29:33下载
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L-system generator
L-systemgenerator for python,允许您设置种子和在每次迭代中将被替换的元素,以及将替换它们的元素。默认颜色为彩虹。享受
- 2022-10-15 04:35:02下载
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python pip安装命令集合
- 2021-08-31 00:30:57下载
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结合HanLP提供的针对机构名的HMM语料,实现了基于HMM模型的机构名实体识别算法。(Implementing Code Extraction of Institution Names with HMM)
- 2020-06-25 18:20:02下载
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