[114.rar] Spectrum analyzer with USRP, GNU Radio and MATLAB (2009-09-14, matlab, 327KB, 68次) [] usrp的全面介绍,接口介绍,工作原理,以及如何对它进行编程 (2010-12-17, Python, 720KB, 62次) [] USRP(通用软件无线电)上实现的802.11:bbn80211,经测试在gnuradio3.1.1上通过(可以正常收发)(Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) is a range of software-defined radios designed and sold by Ettus Research and its parent company, National Instruments. Developed by a team led by Matt Ettus, the USRP product family is intended to be a comparatively inexpensive hardware platform for software radio, and is commonly used by research labs, universities, and hobbyists.[1])