首页 » Matlab » 很好用的基于单尺度、多尺度、原始的Retinex算法matlab源程序


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解耦,恢复原信号,高斯白噪声的生成程序,LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号,包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法,esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。



0 个回复

  • pos
    基本粒子群优化算法Matlab源程序 网上找到的别人做的很简单的程序,写的很精练很工整,据说优化效果不是很理想,由于没有时间去做很多测试,所以就先摆在这里,但愿以后能用得上。 下面是主函数的源程序,优化函数则以m文件的形式放在fitness.m里面,对不同的优化函数只要修改fitness.m就可以了通用性很强。 (Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Matlab source code online to find others to do the procedure is very simple, very concise writing is very neat, is said to optimize the effect is not very satisfactory, because there is no time to do a lot of testing, so I have to put in here, I hope that can use later. The following is the main function of the source, optimizing the function form of the document on Zeyi m fitness.m inside, as long as the different optimization functions can modify the fitness.m highly generic.)
    2011-04-21 13:59:24下载
  • pLSA
    用于文本分析和分类的pLSA(Probability Latent Semantic Analysis)的Matlab算法,含有测试数据及算法原理介绍。也可用于图像分析。相比原来的版本,增加了示例程序demo.m,以实现可视化效果,用户更容易使用和理解pLSA算法。(For text analysis and classification of pLSA (Probability Latent Semantic Analysis) of the Matlab algorithm with test data and algorithm theory description. Can also be used for image analysis. Compared to the original version, an increase of sample programs demo.m, to achieve the visual effect, the user can more easily use and understand the algorithm.)
    2010-05-12 12:46:49下载
  • Polar_code
    polar code simulation result
    2020-11-16 14:59:40下载
  • Graphical_solution
    This is my first file, Graphical numerical solution
    2013-05-11 17:18:35下载
  • 多通道电子侦察系统中信号分选算法研究
    研究生毕设论文,介绍了多通道电子侦察系统中信号分选算法研究,含有大量知识介绍(Graduate students have published a paper on the signal sorting algorithm in multi-channel electronic reconnaissance system, which contains a lot of knowledge.)
    2019-03-11 20:33:32下载
  • 多目标优化算法
    目前的多目标优化算法有很多,Kalyanmoy Deb 的 NSGA-II(Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II,带精英策略的快速非支配排序遗传算法)无疑是其中应用最为广泛也是最为成功的一种。MATLAB 自带的 gamultiobj 函数所采用的算法,就是基于 NSGA-II 改进的一种多目标优化算法(a variant of NSGA-II)。gamultiobj 函数的出现,为在 MATLAB 平台下解决多目标优化问题提供了良好的途径。gamultiobj 函数包含在遗传算法与直接搜索工具箱(Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox, GADST)中,这里我们称 gamultiobj 函数为基于遗传算法的多目标优化函数,相应的算法为基于遗传算法的多目标优化算法。本案例将以 gamultiobj 函数为基础,对基于遗传算法的多目标优化算法进行讲解,并详细分析其代码,同时通过一个简单的案例介绍 gamultiobj 函数的使用。 ( (U09) u5126 u591A u591A u5108 u7R2 U7565 u7654 u5EB2 u09A1 u653H U4E5F u662F u6700 u4E3A u6210 u529F u7684 u4E00 u79CD u3002MATLAB u81EA u5E26 u7684 gamultiobj u51FD u6570 u6240 u91C7 u7528 u7689 u7B97 u6CD5 uFF0C u5C31 u662F U57FA u4E8E NSGA-II u6539 u8FDB u7684 u4E00 u79CD u591A u76EE u6807 u4161 u5316 u7B97 u6CD5 uFF08a variant of NSGA-II uFF09 u3002gamultiobj u51FD u6570 u7684 u5150 U73B0 uFF0C u4E3A u5728 MATLAB u5E73 u53F0 u8E0B u89E3 u51B3 u5B1 u591A u76EE u6807 u4F18 u5316 u95EE u9898 u63D0 u4F9B u4E86 u826F u597D u7944 u9014 u5F84 u3002gamultiobj U5135 u5135 u5255 u5135 u5255 u5135 u7R2 u7R2 u7B97 F0C u8FD9 u91CC u6211 u4EEC u79F0 gamultiobj u51FD u6570 u4E3A u57FA u4E8E u907 u4F20 u7B97 u6CD5 u7684 u591A u76EE u6807 u4F18 u5316 u51FD u6570 uFF0C u76F8 U5E94 u7689 u7B97 u6CD2 u4E3A u57FA u4E8E u9057 u4F20 u7B97 u6CD5 u7684 u591A u76EE u6807 )
    2017-05-15 10:14:14下载
  • BP算法的matlab实现
    应用背景We provide some example Matlab code as a supplement to the paper [6]. This technical report is not intended as a standalone introduction to the belief propagation algorithm, but instead only aims to provide some technical material, which didn’t fit into the paper.关键技术In the graphical output generated in the previous section we observe that some trajectories seem to cease to exist and then possibly reappear later on. This effect is caused by round-off errors due to the numerical precision of the computations in Matlab. For very large arguments the tanh-function returns 1, and atanh(1) = 1. In theory though, finite arguments always give finite outputs, but number representation limits Matlab in actually producing accurate results after sometimes only a few iterations. Countermeasures employed, e.g., in [3], include to apply some saturation function after each iteration to
    2022-11-29 20:50:03下载
    OFDM 系統加AWGN的性能模擬,訊號的Mapper使用QPSK,Guard interval 取資料的符元是1/4,輸出信號與原始信號比較出錯誤率。(Plus AWGN performance of OFDM system simulation, signal Mapper use of QPSK, Guard interval operators access to information, the yuan is 1/4, the output signal and compare the original signal error rate.)
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  • Main_SVR_Epsilon
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  • gptips1.0
    a genetic programming toolbax for matlab
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