ASP网站模块,可以以此为模块制作个人网站-ASP website module, module can be used to produce personal websites
- 2022-05-17 20:24:39下载
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JAVA five sub
JAVA五子期网络对战源代码,用Java开发的五子棋对战平台-JAVA five sub-period of the network against the source code, using Java development platform Gobang war
- 2022-11-18 21:40:04下载
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控制拨号连接的类,提供拨号,挂段,脱机工作等方法,检测连接状态-control dial-up category, dial-up, hanging, off-line work methods to detect the state of the link
- 2022-07-11 17:25:56下载
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如何起动web浏览器。。。网络编程新手学习资料,敬请享用。-如sleeping web浏be hung起器。 。 。 She met with the most determining step themis sad misstep习collapse , 。 when using享Wine
- 2022-03-05 00:52:13下载
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应用背景样品:单位umain;接口使用 ;窗口,消息,SysUtils,类,图形,控件,窗体, ;对话框,stdctrls,Winsock,comctrls;const ;max_packet_size = 10000美元;2 ^ / / 16 ;sio_rcvall = 98000001美元; ;wsa_ver = 202美元;max_adapter_name_length ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;= 256; ;max_adapter_description_length = 128;max_adapter_address_length ; ; ; ; ;= 8; ;IPHelper =“很DLL;关键技术型 ;UShort =词; ;页= DWORD; ;time_t = LongInt; ;tipheader =压缩记录 ; ; ;iph_verlen: ; ;函数; ; ; ;/ /âåðñèÿèäëèíàçàãîëîâêà ; ; ;iph_tos: ; ; ; ; ;函数; ; ; ;/ /òèïñåðâèñà ; ; ;iph_length: ; ;UShort; ; ;/ /äëèíàâñåãîïàêåòà ; ; ;iph_id: ; ; ; ; ; ;UShort; ; ;/ /Èäåíòèôèêàöèÿ ; ; ;iph_offset: ; ;UShort; ; ;/ /ôëàãèèñìåùåíèÿ ; ; ;iph_ttl: ; ; ; ; ;函数;
- 2022-04-27 14:01:23下载
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超快速的多文件传送源码,在本地局域网上可达到1.8Mb+的速度,超牛的代码,VB写的,可以多多研究,保证收获-ultra-fast transmission of multi-source documents in the local LAN delivers up to speed, super-cattle code, written in VB, deserves more research, a lot ensure harvest
- 2022-03-30 09:47:28下载
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将rft格式文件转换成html格式文件- Rft form file conversion html form document
- 2022-04-14 13:55:12下载
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ASP.NET File Upload Example 文件上传
ASP.NET File Upload Example 文件上传-ASP.NET File Upload file upload Example
- 2022-07-04 08:12:06下载
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AJAX开发工具包,实现网页AJAX技术,可以实现网页无刷新更新-AJAX development tool kit and realize website AJAX technology, can be achieved without updating the website updated
- 2022-02-24 11:41:01下载
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在网上采集东西。。的好东西 - On-line gathering thing. . Good thing
- 2022-02-20 10:07:39下载
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