首页 » 套接字网络编程 » 是一个很简单的邮件发送程序,能够发送普通的文本内容


于 2023-05-16 发布 文件大小:29.34 kB
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是一个很简单的邮件发送程序,能够发送普通的文本内容-is a very simple procedure to send mail to send ordinary text



0 个回复

  • 序实现电子白板功能
    该程序实现电子白板功能-the Program Electronic Whiteboard
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  • Reading packets over the network with different protocols
    Reading packets over the network with different protocols
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  • 页源代码显示器
    网页源代码显示器-website source code display
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  • This information is for the Ajax
    本资料为Ajax基础教程(金灵译)的源代码。-This information is for the Ajax-based tutorials (DRC Ling translated) source code.
    2022-03-01 17:55:49下载
  • 群聊小
    有一个服务器,能够实现多人群聊 ,实现多线程,有6个类,ActionLoginListenerData  实现多线程监听,ClientData,客户端界面  ClientReadThreadData,创建多客户端,LoginData,登陆界面,serverData服务器,ServerReadWriteData 读取数据并广播
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  • internet,client与server的一些,欢迎下载.
    internet网络编程,client与server的一些编程,欢迎下载.-internet network programming, the client and server programming, welcome to download.
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  • this document contains two separate procedures, Sender and Receiver for testing...
    此文件包含两个独立程序,Sender和Receiver,用于测试网络对RAW类型的IP包的传输,可以用这两个程序测试路由器是否支持RAW类型的IP包传输,是否支持组播。程序演示了Windows下RAW socket的使用和RTP包协议的利用.程序工程由VC7.0生成。-this document contains two separate procedures, Sender and Receiver for testing network to RAW types of IP packet transmission, could use this test procedure two routers support RAW types of IP packet transmission, whether to support multicast. Procedures demonstrated Windows RAW socket and the use of RTP packets agreement utilization. VC7.0 procedures generated by the project.
    2023-08-24 03:35:02下载
  • 我已经译通过的Nmapwin!学习扫描器的人有用!
    2023-04-09 08:10:03下载
  • a good helper, is a relatively simple procedure to study very helpful to everyon...
    学习网络编程的好帮手,是一个简单易学的程序 对大家学习很有帮助-a good helper, is a relatively simple procedure to study very helpful to everyone
    2022-07-23 10:09:22下载
  • HTTP是一个基于文本的协议,用于通过Web浏览器来检索Web页面。大多数情况下,如果你位于一个局域时,你是在一个代理服务器之后;这个代理服务器在某一端口...
    HTTP是一个基于文本的协议,用于通过Web浏览器来检索Web页面。大多数情况下,如果你位于一个局域网连接时,你是在一个代理服务器之后;这个代理服务器在某一端口运行一个HTTP代理。在你的Internet Explorer的连接选项中,你可以按需要说明局域网的设置。这个代理服务器运行一个基于文本的协议,你只能从外部网格中得到HTTP相关的数据。但注意,有一个小漏洞,通过它你可以穿过HTTP,连接到外部世界,得到任何基于二进制协议的数据,甚至基于你自己的协议。这就是通过HTTPS。-HTTP is a text-based protocol for a Web browser to access Web pages. In most cases, if you are located in a LAN connection, you are after a proxy server; The proxy server port in a run an HTTP proxy. In your Internet Explorer connectivity options, you may press the need to explain LAN configuration. The proxy server running on a text of the agreement, you can only from the outside grid to be related to the HTTP data. But note that there are a small loophole through which you can pass through HTTP, connect to the outside world, any agreement based on the binary data, or even on your own agreement. It is through HTTPS.
    2022-02-15 15:11:24下载
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