首页 » OpenGL图像 » GIF (Graphics Interchange Format, Graphic Interchange Format) files from CompuSe...

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format, Graphic Interchange Format) files from CompuSe...

于 2023-05-15 发布 文件大小:2.99 MB
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下载积分: 2 下载次数: 1


GIF(Graphics Interchange Format,图形交换格式)文件是由 CompuServe公司开发的图形文件格式,版权所有,任何商业目的使用均须 CompuServe公司授权-GIF (Graphics Interchange Format, Graphic Interchange Format) files from CompuServe is the development of graphics file formats, copyright, any business purposes must be authorized CompuServe



0 个回复

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