设有n项独立的作业{1,2,…, n},由m台相同的机器加工处理。作业i所需要的处理时间为ti。约定:任何一项作业可在任何一台机器上处理,但未完工前不准中断处理;任何作业不能拆分更小的子作业。多机调度问题要求给出一种调度方案,使所给的n个作业在尽可能短的时间内由m台机器处理完。设计算法。 -Stand-alone operation with n items (1,2, ..., n), by m units the same machine processing. Job i the processing time required to ti. Convention: any one job can be processed on any machine, but does not pre-completion are not allowed to interrupt processing any operation can not be split smaller sub-operations. Multi-machine scheduling problem requires paper, a scheduling program, so that given the n-operation in the shortest possible time processed by m machines. Design algorithms.