大名鼎鼎的TEEChart,大家一定听说过吧,VC源代码 大家下载下来卡看...
大名鼎鼎的TEEChart,大家一定听说过吧,VC源代码 大家下载下来卡看-The famous TEEChart, everyone must have heard of bar, VC source code you downloaded card to see
- 2023-01-04 10:30:05下载
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大二的时候有物理实验课,要求对实验数据进行处理,比如计算方差,期望,不确定度等等。这是我自己编写的C语言的程序,专门用来处理这些数据的,全自动的,不用手工计算。只要按提示输入就行了,绝对好用。-Sophomore class, when there are physics experiments require the experimental data processing, such as the calculation of variance, expectations, uncertainty and so on. This is what I have written a C language program, designed to deal with these data, the fully automatic, without manual calculation. Just click on the OK prompt, and is absolutely easy to use.
- 2023-01-04 09:20:04下载
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学习activex的好帮手, 学习activex的好帮手,学习activex的好帮手...
学习activex的好帮手, 学习activex的好帮手,学习activex的好帮手-Activex learning a good helper, learning a good helper activex, activex learning a good helper
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控制论之父维纳写的,讲的是控制论的一些思想,很有哲学思想。大家可以下来看一下,就当开阔眼界了。-father of cybernetics Wiener wrote, spoke of the control theory of thinking, very philosophical thinking. We can look at the next, when a broad vision.
- 2023-07-25 16:35:04下载
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make file documentation, quick grasp of the make file to use
make file 的相关文档,快速掌握make file的使用方法-make file documentation, quick grasp of the make file to use
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基于VRML-Java的虚拟装配系统开发-Development of Virtual Assembly System Based on VRML-Java
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The JBoss 4 Application Server Guide
JBoss AS 4.0.4
Release 5
The JBoss 4 Application Server Guide
JBoss AS 4.0.4
Release 5-JBoss JBoss Application Server Guide AS 4.0.4 Release 5
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linux核心技术详解-Elaborates on core technology
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a suggestion of the readers.
- 2022-03-19 22:35:04下载
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这是一个介绍面向对象方法学的电子书.他详细的介绍了面向对象的特性及思想.是一个能使读者快速学习的资料.-This is an introduction of object-oriented methodologies to the USA. His detailed account of the object-oriented features and ideas. Readers can be a fast learning information.
- 2022-01-23 10:15:48下载
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