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于 2022-02-09 发布 文件大小:3.12 MB
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Laborator circuite integrate digitale



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  • PB real estate development, personnel information query capabilities, skills wel...
    PB的房地产开发系统,人员信息查询等功能,欢迎联系切磋-PB real estate development, personnel information query capabilities, skills welcome link
    2022-03-22 14:39:14下载
  • thispaperprovideslinear
    Thispaperprovideslinear-timealgorithmsforsolvingaclassofminimizationproblemsin- volvingacostfunctionwithbothlocalandspatialterms.Theseproblemscanbeviewedas ageneralizationofclassicaldistancetransformsofbinary images,wherethebinaryimageis
    2022-07-10 16:01:18下载
  • Abortext help file to let you understand what is Abortext software used for.
    Abortext help file to let you understand what is Abortext software used for.
    2022-03-12 05:50:08下载
  • CDMA2000的3G无线系统工程
    3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering
    2022-07-28 00:48:28下载
  • A e book usefull for communication people.please read and rate .
    2022-12-28 22:40:03下载
  • 三星sdram操作手册,大家有兴趣
    三星sdram操作手册,大家有兴趣-Samsung Manual sdram, we are interested in to see !!!!!
    2022-09-01 12:15:02下载
  • 无线知识,请学习,后续会陆续添加后续章节
    无线知识,请学习,后续会陆续添加后续章节-Wireless Knowledge, please study and follow-up follow-up will continue to add chapters
    2022-04-21 05:26:50下载
  • WINDOWS核心编程,很好的一本,china――pub.com出品。
    WINDOWS核心编程,很好的一本书,china――pub.com出品。-WINDOWS-core programming, a good book, china- pub.com Chu Pin.
    2023-02-07 20:05:11下载
  • 基于MATLAB 5.2版,提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导。 MATLAB已成为适合多学科、多种工作平台的功能强大、界面友好 、语言自然并且开放...
    本书基于MATLAB 5.2版,提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导。 MATLAB已成为适合多学科、多种工作平台的功能强大、界面友好 、语言自然并且开放性强的大型优秀应用软件,同时也已成为 国内外高等院校高等数学、数值分析、数字信号处理、自动控制 理论以及工程应用等课程的基本教学工具。本书按逻辑编排, 自始至终用实例描述;内容完整且每章相对独立; 是一本简明的MATLAB参考书,既适用于初学者,也适用于高级 MATLAB用户。对MATLAB与FORTRAN、C等语言结合的描述更是所 有MATLAB书籍中少有的一大特色。 本书适合作为理工科高等院 校研究生、本科生教学用书,也可作为广大科研工程技术人员的 自学用书。-book based on MATLAB version 5.2, providing for the use of MATLAB practical guidance. MATLAB has become suitable for multidisciplinary, multi-platform work of the powerful and friendly interface, natural language and the open-large outstanding software application, but also domestic and foreign institutions of higher learning has become a Higher Mathematics, Numerical analysis, digital signal processing, automatic control theory and engineering applications of the basic curriculum teaching tool. By the logic of the book presentation, from beginning to end, with examples description; As complete and relatively independent of each chapter; is a concise reference
    2023-05-22 21:45:03下载
  • 中文资料,本文罗列了八个源工程师常用的源设计技巧。助您的设计一臂之力!...
    程序开发中写log用的实现代码, C语言代码, 可以不用修改再C++或MFC中使用, 可以将写log的函数使用方法同printf, 可以接收可变参数. 对于开发程序很有帮助.-Writing development in the log implementation used in the code, C language code, you can not modify and then C++ or MFC to use, you can write a function of log with the use of printf, variable parameters can receive. Very helpful for the development of procedures.
    2022-05-23 12:44:51下载
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