首页 » Windows开发 » 在窗口中显示出26个英文字母,从左向右字母依次位置提高10个像素单位,并且颜色变为红色,然后回到正常位置;当到达最右端后改变方向从右向左依次变成红色并位置提高1...


于 2022-06-03 发布 文件大小:6.06 kB
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在窗口中显示出26个英文字母,从左向右字母依次位置提高10个像素单位,并且颜色变为红色,然后回到正常位置;当到达最右端后改变方向从右向左依次变成红色并位置提高10个像素单位。在窗口的第二行显示26个字母,字体从正常到斜体,颜色从黑色到天蓝色不断变换。-In the window shows the 26 English letters, the letters from left to right, followed by location of units increased by 10 pixels, and the color turns red, and then return to the normal position When it reached the extreme right to change direction from right to left turn after the red and the location of units increased by 10 pixels. In the second line of the window shows the 26 letters, the font from normal to italic, color from black to sky blue constantly changing.



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