首页 » Windows开发 » 〈EVC高级编程及其应用开发(Embedded Visual C++嵌入式编程)〉书上的源代码 全书共分13章,分别为WinCE及EVC概述、图形编程、对话框控...

〈EVC高级编程及其应用开发(Embedded Visual C++嵌入式编程)〉书上的源代码 全书共分13章,分别为WinCE及EVC概述、图形编程、对话框控...

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〈EVC高级编程及其应用开发(Embedded Visual C++嵌入式编程)〉书上的源代码 全书共分13章,分别为WinCE及EVC概述、图形编程、对话框控件、进程、线程、文件和注册表、WinCE基础数据库编程、WinCE扩展数据库编程、通讯编程、UDP和PING编程、TCP编程、DLL编程以及COM编程。读者在具有一定C抖和WinCE知识的基础上,通过本书的学习,可以快速提高WinCE的编程能力和实际开发水平。- book on the source code book is divided into 13 chapters, each of WinCE and EVC outlined, graphics programming, dialog controls, processes, threads, documents and the registry, WinCE based database programming, WinCE expanded database programming, communications programming, and PING programming UDP, TCP programming, programming and COM DLL programming. Readers with certain C jerk and WinCE knowledge, based on the book learning, can rapidly improve WinCE programming capacity and the actual level of development.



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