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C++ Builder关于菜单

于 2022-04-29 发布 文件大小:46.26 kB
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c++ builder about menu



0 个回复

  • 本文例子是一个典型的C++/MFC对话框程序,设置了 EX_WM_TOOLWINDOW 扩展式样,因此在标题栏左上角看不到系统图标,但通过 Ctrl+Spa...
    本文例子是一个典型的C++/MFC对话框程序,设置了 EX_WM_TOOLWINDOW 扩展式样,因此在标题栏左上角看不到系统菜单图标,但通过 Ctrl+Space 或者在标题栏单击鼠标右键可以调出系统菜单。例子程序对系统菜单进行了定制,在原有菜单基础上添加了两个菜单命令:一个是显示“关于”对话框;另一个是“退出”。之所以要加一个“退出”菜单命令,是因为例子程序改写了对话框原来默认的“关闭”菜单命令行为(Alt-F4),用来隐藏对话框。因此必须加一个程序的“退出”出口。此外,例子程序利用一个第三方的系统托盘处理类,利用系统托盘图标可以显示/隐藏对话框。 下面我们就来看看用 C++/MFC 实现的细节。
    2022-07-07 01:10:52下载
  • 带图标的
    带图标的菜单-The menu with icon
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  • fullycustommenu
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  • 用C++语言,来实现Window功能,简介而实用,且有注释。
    用C++语言,来实现Window菜单功能,简介而实用,且有注释。-With C++ Language, to achieve the Window menu functions, brief and practical, and have the Notes.
    2022-03-25 04:10:11下载
  • 装好后再用aw6
    装好后再用aw6-crk.rar中的文件解密,最后在用p3zs-authorware6.rar汉化。-then packed them with aw6- crk.rar of declassified documents, with the final p3zs- authorware6.rar finished.
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  • 这个文件很重要,它是数据库编程的基础,关于如何进行最基本的软件编程...
    这个文件很重要,它是数据库编程的基础,关于如何进行最基本的软件编程-this document is very important, it is the Database Programming, on the basis of how the basic software programming
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  • 一个子类的源代码,包含、MDI窗体背景等8个演示程序
    一个子类的源代码,包含菜单、MDI窗体背景等8个演示程序 -a subclass of the source code contains the menu, MDI Form 8 background Demonstration Program
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  • 1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu...
    1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu) { CString str //use to hold the caption temporarily CMyMenu* pMenu //use to hold the sub menu CMyMenuData* pMenuData //use to hold the menu data //get the number of the menu items of the parent menu int iMenuCount = pMyMenu->GetMenuItemCount() UINT nID //use to hold the identifier of the menu items-1. MyCoolMenu22.zip, 18KB, download 0 times, void CMyMenu:: ChangeToOwnerDraw (CMyMenu* pMyMenu) (CString str// use to hold the caption temporarily CMyMenu* pMenu// use to hold the sub menu CMyMenuData* pMenuData// use to hold the menu data// get the number of the menu items of the parent menu int iMenuCount = pMyMenu-
    2022-07-26 13:41:13下载
  • fen否则需依次排队等候。一旦有顾客理完发离去时,排在队头的顾客便可开始理发。若理发店每天 连续营业T小时, 求一天内顾客在理发馆内平均的逗留时间...
    fen否则需依次排队等候。一旦有顾客理完发离去时,排在队头的顾客便可开始理发。若理发店每天 连续营业T小时, 求一天内顾客在理发馆内平均的逗留时间、顾客排队等候理发的队列的平均长度、营业时间到点后仍需 要完成的收尾工作时间 测试数据:理发椅数N及关门时间由用户读入,第一个顾客进门的时刻为0,之后每个顾客进门的时刻由 前一个顾客进门时间确定。即在进门事件发生时即产生两个随机数(durtime,intertime),durtime为进 门顾客理发所需要的服务时间,intertime为下一个顾客将到达的时间间隔。R为-fen otherwise be followed queue. Once customers Jimmy End made to leave, the first in the queue of customers will start barber. If the barber shop daily turnover of T consecutive hours a day for customers in the barbershop where the average length of stay, customers are queuing up at the barbershop the average queue length, hours after the close of the need to complete the relevant work time test data : N barber chairs and closed by the user time to read, a customers went 0 for the moment, the door after each customer from the time a customer comes first time to determine. At the time of the incident comes as a result of two random number (durtime, intertime), the door for customers durtime hairdressi
    2022-03-05 00:05:26下载
  • 做的XP
    用delphi做的XP风格的菜单控件,很好看的,不信你试试就知道了。-do with the XP-style menu controls, very good, and not trust you try will know.
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