首页 » Menu菜单 » 1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu...

1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu...

于 2022-07-26 发布 文件大小:6.59 MB
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1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu) { CString str //use to hold the caption temporarily CMyMenu* pMenu //use to hold the sub menu CMyMenuData* pMenuData //use to hold the menu data //get the number of the menu items of the parent menu int iMenuCount = pMyMenu->GetMenuItemCount() UINT nID //use to hold the identifier of the menu items-1. MyCoolMenu22.zip, 18KB, download 0 times, void CMyMenu:: ChangeToOwnerDraw (CMyMenu* pMyMenu) (CString str// use to hold the caption temporarily CMyMenu* pMenu// use to hold the sub menu CMyMenuData* pMenuData// use to hold the menu data// get the number of the menu items of the parent menu int iMenuCount = pMyMenu-



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