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于 2022-04-24 发布 文件大小:176.13 kB
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基于PIC16F877A的DS18B20一线总线多路测温系统(采用Proteus模拟)。 Proteus模拟电路图+PIC C语言源程序(MPLAB V8.00) 这可不是用多I/O模拟的多路测温哦!看系统功能: 1)、由一线数据线寄生供电,采用MOSFET强上拉给DQ供电; 2)、上电自动搜索可用的传感器并做CRC校验(实现了Search ROM命令); 3)、 报警下限可选择; 4)、轮询显示温度,通过LCD1602输出; 5)、 传感器中途拔出或温度越界均报警; 6)、 采用声光报警方式,可做为温度控制信号标志。 -PIC16F877A-based multi-channel bus of DS18B20 line temperature measurement system (using the Proteus simulation). Proteus analog circuit+ PIC C language source code (MPLAB V8.00) This is not using multiple I/O simulation of multi-channel temperature measurement Oh! See system functions: 1) by the parasitic power line data line, using MOSFET strong pull-up power supply to the DQ 2), power-on automatically search for available sensors and do CRC check (to achieve a Search ROM command) 3) alarm limit choice 4), polling shows the temperature, through the LCD1602 output 5), half-way pulled out or the temperature sensors are all cross-border police 6), using sound and light alarm mode can be used as the



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