首页 » SCM » l298调 速 程 序 常规的接法是这样的,EnableA接PWM信号,Input1输入正反控制信号, Input2是Input1经过反相以后的信号。L298的...

l298调 速 程 序 常规的接法是这样的,EnableA接PWM信号,Input1输入正反控制信号, Input2是Input1经过反相以后的信号。L298的...

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l298调 速 程 序 常规的接法是这样的,EnableA接PWM信号,Input1输入正反控制信号, Input2是Input1经过反相以后的信号。L298的电平是与TTL电路相兼容的,一般是超过2.5V就为高电平。假如Input1为高电平时电机正转,那么低电平时就是反转,PWM信号控制电机的转速。 _________________ -l298 procedures conventional speed connection that is the case, EnableA then PWM signal, Input1 input positive and negative control signals, Input2 is Input1 through after RP signal. L298 level is compatible with TTL circuits, and is generally more than 2.5V for the high. If Input1 is high when the motor is transferred, then that is when low-level inversion, PWM signal to control motor speed. _________________



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