自制电路板FeCl3腐蚀控制器以PIC16F884为控制单片机,内带EEPROM,通过DS18B20和热电阻测温进而控制加热,加热最终温度可设且掉电存储,另外还有控制反应溶液流动电机,此以10秒为周期,流动时间按键可调;无按键10秒后实时显示溶液温度。-Self-made circuit board FeCl3 to control the corrosion controller PIC16F884 microcontroller, which with EEPROM, and thermal resistance through the DS18B20 thereby control the heating temperature, heating the final temperature can be set up and power-down store, in addition to control the flow of electric reaction solution, this 10 seconds cycle, flow time adjustable keys no real-time display button 10 seconds after the solution temperature.
- 2023-08-28 05:45:03下载
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在AVR单片机的控制下,通过WinAVR编译器和makefile的编写,在一个数码管上实时输出键盘输入的字符,当在键盘上按下某一个键时,在数码管上显示该键的值。如按下1时数码管显示1,按下F时数码管显示F。-control, through WinAVR compiler makefile and the preparation, in a real-time digital control keyboard input output of the characters, when pressed on the keyboard a button, digital tube revealed that the value of the bond. Touching 1:00 a Digital Display, when pressed F F Digital Display.
- 2022-03-21 07:34:06下载
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P1口输出段码,P3口扫描,最高位指示通道(0-7)。-Eight-way voltage meter C program using AT89C52 single-chip, 12MHZ crystal, P0 I read into the AD value, P2 I make AD control, with a total of P1 Yang LED digital tube output above code, P3 port scan, the maximum channel bit instructions (0-7).
- 2022-01-31 16:25:46下载
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c8051f340 USB传输 固件驱动, c8051f340 USB传输 固件驱动,-c8051f340 USB transfer firmware drivers, c8051f340 USB transfer firmware driver
- 2022-02-03 05:03:19下载
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PIC16F877控制LED进行任何显示,该源码只做了北京两个字的显示-PIC16F877 to control LED of any revealed that the source only the word display in Beijing
- 2022-07-23 14:16:00下载
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BH1415F调频台控制C程序。使用AT89C52单片机,12MHZ晶振,用共阳四位LED数码管。频率数据转换为显示用BCD码函数。-C FM BH1415F control procedures. AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer use, 12MHZ crystal, with a total of four LED digital tube Yang. Frequency data into a display function using BCD code.
- 2022-03-13 07:24:13下载
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MSP单片机开发应用实例,适用于任何型号-MSP development and application of single-chip example, apply to any model
- 2022-09-14 05:50:03下载
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1602 液晶 在任意位置显示字符 数字 使用的是新华龙单片机 100脚 的...
有关键盘接口的程序,我自己弄的,希望有帮助-Procedures relating to the keyboard interface, I get and I hope that helps
- 2022-07-19 19:52:45下载
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一种基于单片机系统的多级菜单模块化编程.方便了菜单的加载与卸载,软件结构清晰,维护方便-SCM systems based on multi-level menus modular programming. To facilitate the loading and unloading of the menu, software, clear structure and easy maintenance
- 2022-02-12 15:43:08下载
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c8051f040单片机中内部温度传感器调试程序-Debug program for temperature sensor inside C8051f040 one-chip computer
- 2022-08-25 22:37:34下载
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